The Baby Boom In Canada

Superior Essays
The baby boom represents the era with a substantial increase in births between the years 1946-1965. In 1946, after almost 20 years of economic depression, Canadians finally had a chance at the ‘American Dream’ working 9-5, the uprise of suburbia, time for recreational activities and travel. This new economic freedom led to more marriages and ultimately more children. Although what happens when 9.6 million children grow up at the same time in Canada and enter the workforce, then later grow old and retire. The baby boom helped shape the work force which has greatly impacted all the coming generations. By reviewing generations X, Y and Z, it is possible identify the negative and positive effects the baby boom had on the workplace.

After the
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They are self obsessed, but are currently the most educated generation. Has this generation's parents left them with no jobs, limitations of advancement and tax money going towards the boomers pensions? Just like generation X finding work for Gen Y seems to be a problem. 25% of millennials are unemployed and 30% struggle to support themselves because of low salaries,. This is the result of not many boomers retiring and those that do have specialized skills that are proving hard to replace. Generation Y grew up with everything given to them therefore they feel no dedication and tend not to be loyal to employers, by their constant job hopping, which means no pension is being built up for them in their old age, they are going to pay for this in the future . Baby Boomers aren't retiring as quickly as expected, theoretically speaking this would affect the development for millennials by not allowing executive positions to be available and for some this is the case however, for most it isn't. The current trend for this generation is job hopping, which doesn’t permit millennials to develop loyalty for the company and causes the company to have constant openings for jobs. This means less profitability therefore keeping salaries at a stagnant level,. This could possibly cost some millennials their dream job because employers (most of which are boomers or Gen …show more content…
Will there be room for advancement in the occupation they admire? In addition to the high expectations being put on them by older generations, they also face unemployment because not many baby boomers, gen Xers and gen Y’s are retiring. People are living longer than they used to and due to huge swings in the economy boomers are working longer as well. This will result in less jobs for generation Z considering the workforce cannot accommodate that many people, and they can't just fire the older workers because of age discrimination and they are more qualified than the younger workers. This is causing generation Z to further their education because of limited amount of jobs available. The boomers will eventually all retire but the majority won't be leaving the workplace very soon. Baby boomers have made major developments to the industrial world, therefore making the expectations for higher education, and experience in the workforce the expected norm. Innovations in technology have enabled the world to become more connected, with new immigrants who are skilled coming to work here, graduate students are no longer competing with the guy next door but with skilled labour from multiple countries around the world. This is forcing students to better their education and in some cases they are acquiring multiple degrees in order

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