English Reflection

Improved Essays
Since middle school, I have always enjoyed writing and English class. It has always been a way for me to reflect on a lot of my readings or life in general through essays. It was not until my senior year that I finally had an idea of what career I wanted to aim for. And that is to be an English teacher. My abilities as a writer have increased since and will continue to develop further through the English courses I will be taking. Prior to this semester, I felt that my writing skills were too simple. Whenever I would write essays, I could not put my thoughts into words. Therefore, I would try to put my thoughts all together, making it harder for me to do so. It was very hard for me to reach the limit of the certain amount of pages or words requested for the essay, since I would try to make it as short as possible. Another problem I have had is starting the essay. I know of many people that have this same issue as well. Having to develop a thesis statement was sometimes a struggle. I knew what my main idea was but, I was not too sure how to put it all together into a short but informational sentence. With the help of good professors, I see myself improving in these areas I struggle with. …show more content…
In the beginning, I did not think I would have learned and improved as much as I did. When I would be given a minimum amount of words to type, I would try my best to make it to that point or even longer by developing new ideas and looking further into the topic. In addition, being given the choice to choose an interesting topic for my essay made it so much easier for me to thoroughly analyze the topic using specific formats to follow. Being given formats and how to put everything together in an organized way was very helpful in developing my essays. I know that whenever I have a writing assignment, these skills that I developed will be put into good

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