The first formal paper was an argumentative causal analysis. I chose to write about what causes criminals’ minds to develop. I do not regret the topic that I chose but what I do regret is not doing more research. A major factor as to why I struggled with this paper is because I did not realize that it would not be as easy as English 1101 when I could write a paper in about two hours and have the rest of the week to edit and make corrections. I got extremely frustrated with this paper because it was taking me so long and I felt overwhelmed with all the restrictions and guidelines. Also, I was unsure how to incorporate a quote rather than just leaving it stand alone. Rather than attempting to make the quote work in the sentence or paraphrasing, I used semicolons which broke up the flow of the sentences that contained quotes. For example, I wrote, “Clarence Jeffery records some results of the criminologists’ study of crime: “Bentham placed emphasis on the crime, not on the criminal.” Also, I limited myself on research. At the start of my process I simply took links from the library databases and forced myself to use them in some way, whether relevant or not. I now know that I should spend more time on my research to be more comfortable with material. Lastly, I wish I had been more careful when proofreading to avoid repetitively using the same words. This first formal paper taught me that I need to have more patience with myself and …show more content…
After choosing a video, I sat down to start my research on the library databases. I looked up multiple different search strings and more thoroughly read through the sources that I was choosing. Next, I picked important and relevant quotes that I wanted to base parts of my paper around. That was easy and fun until the intimidation set in that I was about to start my very first APA style paper. After writing my introduction, I felt slightly more comfortable about it and ended up truly enjoying the technique and organization of the APA style. What I wish I had done differently is referenced the video more considering it was an analysis of a TED Talk. While being an evaluation of a video, I was also supposed to explain how the speaker incorporated ethos, logos, and pathos but I feel as though I did not mention those factors enough. An example of my lacking mention of the rhetorical appeals is when I say, “Notes were taken of discovered that supported the claims made by Robinson and how that knowledge will play a role in ethos, logos, and pathos.” There is not much that I would change about this paper except a few subtle things. I integrated personal changes in my methods of writing this particular paper such as, taking my time on developing the content and resources. For my first time writing in APA styling, I can say I enjoyed