Employee engagement is a workplace tactic that brings about the ideal conditions for all associates of an organization to: excel each day, commit to their companies’ goals, and be driven to contribute to the organization’s success. Employee engagement can be measured and can vary from poor to great. Nurturing employee engagement in the workplace can also deepen communication between members of an organization and increase the overall productivity. The purpose of this study is to establish whether there is a relationship between employee engagement and employee satisfaction.
Problem Statement
Employee satisfaction and employee engagement are similar ideas that are significant to organizations who want to preserve their employees’ …show more content…
The author further suggests that the solution lies in establishing a workplace setting that sustains employee job satisfaction, and also motivates individuals in the direction of outstanding performance. Furthermore, the author describes a five-step process known as the “PRIDE” system. The process involves the following actions: provide a positive working environment, reward and recognition, involve and increase employee engagement, develop the skills and potential of your workforce, evaluate and measure job satisfaction. The overall purpose of this process is intended to help improve satisfaction and engagement within an …show more content…
When an employee is engaged in the workplace this means that they are genuinely involved and devoted to their role within the company. Ultimately, employee satisfaction is the basis upon which employee engagement can develop and flourish. Black (2014), indicates that the p-value “defines the smallest value of alpha for which the null hypothesis can be rejected” (p. 312). When we carry out a statistics test, we are testing the hypothesis that the groups are the same (the null hypothesis). If it is determined that there is a p value of 0.05 or lower, than the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternate hypothesis is accepted. Likewise, if the p value is higher than 0.05, the null hypothesis should be accepted and the two groups should be measured to be the