Vicki is a 42 year old African American woman, who was diagnosed with hypertension a month ago. Vicki went to her doctor’s appointment the medical assistant took her blood pressure. She was told by the medical assistant that it was high, and it was BP 158 over 98. The medical assistant told her she is next to see the doctor and that the doctor will repeat in taking her blood pressure. As she was called in to see the doctor, he repeated taking her vital signs and the doctor found that both of her systolic and diastolic are high and that she is at stage 1 for hypertension.…
As a patient service level advocate of eight years, I analyze any ethical issues and apply appropriate actions. Service-level advocate attempts to resolve patient issues, working in collaboration with the facility Patient Advocate to help identify opportunities for improvement. I respect the rights and privacy of patients and staff to protect their confidential information verbally, electronically, and print communications, while continuing to demonstrate leadership in identifying by responding to any ethical issues that may impact patient care. An incident occurred with one of the veterans, which caused the Root Cause Analysis committee to get involved. The veteran with kidney failure was told by the vascular surgeon not to use his “right arm” for any blood pressures, needle stick, or IV use, due to pending surgery for an arterial venous fistula (AVF) placement.…
The social worker was contacted by Dr. Sundaram’s MA and asks to speak to the patient about medication compliance. Patient is a African American, single, female who lives alone and is alert and orientated to person, place and date (times 3). The patient was recently in the emergency department for a TIA. The patient has hypertension, hyperlipidemia and obesity, and she presents today with a elevated blood pressure. The patient states that she doesn’t like to take pills and reports that she is overwhelmed by them and doesn’t see the point in taking them.…
The NMC Code highlights the importance of balance between acting in the best interest and respecting the patient’s decision for treatment. Acting in the best interest of the patient is promoted to provide excellent quality of care (Rokstad et al. 2015). This is relevant if a patient consents to or refuses treatment. Edvardsson et al. (2010) highlights that person centred care is achieved by supporting the patients and families decisions for care.…
Healthcare professionals have certain ethical and legal standards that they must uphold while practicing their profession to ensure their patients are adequately and safely cared for. They also need to understand that every patient has a right to their own healthcare decision and this can be through written consent, voicing their opinion or through an advance care directive. This essay will concentrate on how a valid and legal ACD must be completed, the importance of valid consent, ethical issues relating to the patient having their on opinion, how to advocate for a patient and lastly, comparing the legal and ethical standards nurses and paramedics abide by everyday to ensure morally safe practice. An advance care directive (ACD) is a legal…
Unsatisfactory professional conduct is defined as the professional conduct below the standard logically anticipated of a nurse with an equivalent training or experience. This entails conduct that exhibits incompetence, lacks diligence, compromises cares and disrepute the nursing profession. The definition of unsatisfactory professional conduct applies to the case study due to how nurse Heather Conyard treated her patient. This means that the nurse in the case has breached the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) standards of practice for all Registered nurses to abide by.…
A Duty to Care: The Role of a Nurse in Circumstances of Patient Nonadherence Health care professionals are all too often aware of the lifestyle choices that have led the patient to seek treatment in their care. However, the implications of these lifestyle choices and issues that can arise from nonadherence are often downplayed or simply disregarded by the patients despite the urgency of the matter being expressed by the health care professionals. In other words, sometimes, the patients refuse to alter their lifestyle for the preservation of their own health. This can be frustrating, to say the very least, but it does not, under any circumstances, dismiss the health care professionals from their duty of care (Laken, 1983).…
Medical treatment helped millions of people, but there are responsibilities that all health care professionals must abide by to ensure patients’ rights are supported. The established presumption is that every adult of sound mind has the right to decide what will be done to his or her body. Before any treatment is carried out on the patients’ body by any HCP, their consent must be obtained. Consent to treatment can be verbal, written or gestured/implied. The patient must have the capacity or competence, consent is given voluntarily and covers the procedure in question and the patient was informed clearly of the treatment and their risks.…
Conclusively, a patient has rights and those rights need to be…
In the case of Sue Sheridan and her infant son, patient-centered care would have involved creating a trusting relationship between parents and healthcare workers. Sue and her husband should have been given proper education on the effects, signs, and symptoms of elevated bilirubin levels. After the first concern was expressed a bilirubin test should have been performed. His chart should have been reviewed and results communicated amongst his providers. I feel that these medical errors should have never happened and are a prime example of negligence.…
The steps health care providers need to take in order to ensure patients understand the consent is go over treatment option, outcomes/complication, and likely of success and complications. Health care professionals must comprehend issues and trends; more lives could be saved. Based on individual right to self-determination and autonomy I don’t think that patient consent form adequately informs patient to their medical rights. Self-Determinations and Autonomy give the patients moral and legal right to what will be done to them. Health care professionals must respect individual’s wishes and this must be followed by legislation, ethics standards and overall society value.…
Nurses that administer medication are accountable for recognizing the medications prescribed, the patients need for the medication and their therapeutic and non-therapeutic effects (Crisp and Taylor, 2013). The purpose of this essay is to examine the importance of understanding the registered nurse’s role and responsibilities when administering medication. Equally, it will cover all the key concepts of legal and ethical issues relevant to medication administration. The legal and ethical issues are discussed in relation to the documents NZ Nurses Organisation Guidelines for Nurses on the Administration of Medicines (2014), Nursing Council of NZ Competencies for Registered Nurses (2016), Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003, Local…
For this paper I will define the seven principles of patient-clinician communication, how I apply each of these to my interactions with my patients, methods being used to improve interdisciplinary communication, the one that applies best to my area of practice and describe how I use it, the ethical principles that can be applied to issues in patient-clinician communication, and the importance of ethics in communication and how patient safety is influenced by good or bad team communication. Communication between patient and clinician is imperative for the best possible outcomes. Principles of Communication First I will define the seven principles of patient-clinician communication. The first concept is mutual respect, which is patient and…
February 19th, 2016 my day was very busy. After I got back from lunch I read up on previous patients that I have seen to follow up and see how they were doing. My supervisor was checking her emails and listening to her voicemail. One of the case managers in the emergency room informed my supervisor that there was a patient that needed to be seen by a social worker. However; my supervisor was very busy…
Duty of care is a moral or legal obligation to ensure the safety or well-being of yourself and others. It is based on the principle of reasonableness, and is founded in the law of negligence. The principle of duty of care is that there is an obligation by the worker to avoid acts or omissions, which could be reasonably foreseen to injure or cause harm to themselves or other people. It means that one must anticipate risks to the client and take care to prevent harm from occurring to them. Harm encompasses both physical and emotional harm.…