Trump receives the majority of hatred from public speaking because he speaks the truth and thousands of people cannot handle it. Common sense proves that you would want a leader who does not lie to you or lead you on. Trump stays true to his words and backs them up with his actions. Trump will also save the United States billions of dollars that go to the United Nations for climate change programs. Americans most likely do not even know that our country gives the United Nations billions of dollars each year just to TRY to help America out. Trump will not allow for our money to go wasted each year and will make sure we can see results. Opportunities for Americans are possibly the greatest aspect that Trump brings to the table. He has proven to open up hundreds and thousands of jobs for American people and does NOT plan on slowing down. Donald Trump can run an economy. He can bring our country back from insolvency by expanding our nation's worth as a leader. Donald Trump is a top class negotiator. He knows exactly what he wants and will find a way to get the best possible factor for our country.
With all of the hate towards President Donald Trump, he has not let the media get to him. In today's world, social media is what we run off of and Trump lets all of the noise go in one ear and go out the other as if he did not hear it. Some Americans do not believe in Donald Trump and that is mostly because