What America needs is a president that is loyal to his country and only his country. I have a theory that Donald Trump will be one of the best presidents because he wants to take care of all the border issues. Millions of illegal immigrants are coming into our country …show more content…
He wasn’t being sexist. Her and Trump have been fighting for many years. Simply, they just do not get along. As everyone knows, Donald is a very blunt, direct man. He tells you straight up how he feels. He is not gender specific at all in his criticism towards people. Trump has actually proved he is not sexist by his employment practice and his hiring practices. Women who have worked closely with Trump say he was a corporate executive ahead of his time in providing career advancement for women. His industries are male-dominated but several women have said they appreciated how Trump gave them entry to a new playing field. Don’t listen to everything you read on the internet because they twist everything around. Donald Trump is a successful man and is definitely not …show more content…
“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.” This was said by the 16th president Abraham Lincoln; who coincidently was a businessman just like Donald Trump. Trump has had more business experience and accomplishments than any of his fellow candidates. Also, he is one of the few entrepreneurs that many people deem as successful. He has managed to build his reputation, and lost it and then built it again, in the commercial real estate industry. Donald went to the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania. He graduated in 1968 with a degree in economics. Having a president that went to school to know how to build successful companies will lead America to have more jobs and eventually lower unemployment rates. Ever heard of “Trump Towers”? It’s a luxurious 48-story high-rise, developed by Donald Trump, that opened in 1983. It is highly sought out by real estate. Trump also purchased 40 Wall Street in 1995 for 1 million dollars and renovated it for 35 million dollars. Today it is one of the tallest office buildings in downtown New York. It is worth over $500 million. If Donald Trump has had so many successes in his life, than I without a doubt believe he will be successful at being