Rhetorical Analysis Essay On Donald Trump

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Out of all the presidential candidates in this year's election, which candidate is most likely to come to mind? If someone were to going up to random people in the street to ask to name the first candidate to lead the United States, which is likely to be the answer? The answer, is more often than not going to be Donald Trump. Whether or not the general citizen would like to admit it, Trump has been a very prominent figure in the presidential race this year; Trump has by far been the candidate to receive the most news coverage ever since he announced his political campaign. This is because Trump employs certain attention grabbing tactics that effectively persuade an audience into giving him the limelight, he is the most memorable candidate …show more content…
Trump markets himself as a businessman and not a politician; in his campaign announcement speech Trumps keeps referring to himself as the “right guy,” the guy who is going to make America great again. Trumps wants to instill and, more importantly, bring out the skepticism in the public; he claims that America has been brought to near ruin because of the incompetence of America’s current leaders. He attacks and belittles politicians as seen in his speech when, after discussing America’s debt to China,”How stupid are our leaders? How stupid are these politicians to allow this to happen?”(Trump, Donald. “Our Country Needs a Truly Great Leader”Trump Tower, New York City. June 16 2015. Speech) He isn’t throwing smoke without a purpose though, it is all to serve his purpose; the argument he makes is that he is not like the politicians who got America into it’s current debt, but he is the businessman who will get the Nation out of it, and all in the effort to make America great again. This claim, and others like it, are all meant to be the reason why the public should vote for him, and for the most part the arguments are successful. This is not to say that this argument is well constructed or infallible-- Trump spends a lot of time discussing what he will do and not a lot about what he has already done-- but it is a very effective appeal to the ethos. There aren’t numbers …show more content…
It’s decently varied. Trump is a conservative republican representative so it is obvious that he is not trying to persuade democratic and liberal groups, but is instead appealing to groups that share similar interests and beliefs as himself. He isn’t tilling new ground to plant seeds, he is fertilizing the ground to grow crops quicker. Trump is also appealing to the emotions of people; he is effective in playing an audience and manipulating them. If he can control how people feel than he can control how they think. With years of experience with reality tv, like his long running show The Apprentice, and being a public figure, Trump is very effective at manipulating certain emotional reactions from people, a fact he is very well aware of. Trump doesn’t spend much time dealing with opposing view often dismissing them with a quick statement, he instead spends his time getting his message across to his audience. Whether because this is nearsighted or because he is aware that reporters will be nipping at his heels to get coverage over the slurs and attacks he makes, Trump makes effective uses of the time he has with his audience. With his experience working a crowd and his appeal to the pride, fear, and anger of republicans, Trump is very cleverly and successfully serving his ultimate purpose of becoming president by playing to the right audiences and by dismissing

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