Electoral College Persuasive Essay

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A democracy is a government that is ruled by the people. This means that we as people choose our own presidents, mayors, senators, and other people of power. A democracy is different from other forms of government because it is actually “ran” by the people. Its main purpose is to not be a monarchy which is a government that is led by a monarch like a queen or king, where the power stays in the family. The Electoral College was founded in 1787 by our founding fathers, It was established to make sure that our government doesn't turn into a monarchy. The founding fathers wanted to make sure that the United States of America had a president that was actually fit for office thus the creation of the Electoral College. Donald Trump should not be …show more content…
the Atlantic there is the article That explains Trump's lack of political experience, the article explained type of people Trump is interested in the listing for certain positions. The article states the Donald Trump shows Jeff Sessions to be attorney general, this is a man that, “... called a black lawyer “boy” and warned him “ be careful how you talk to white folks.” Not only has Donald Trump use his own actions to show that he lacks political experience. he shows it and the people he likes or supports Jeff sessions the well-known racist veteran thanks it's good to be Attorney General. What does that say about the man that we are about to elect President? Trampolines in impressing the oppressed and keeping the rich at the most high while leaving those who are low-income and unfortunate at the bottom. he's one of those people that believes the road to success is equal for everyone in the United States. Michael Baca and electricity bills that Trump is unworthy of being president and should not be elected. In another article from the Atlantic Baca an elector explains his feelings towards having Trump elected and about how he's trying to persuade his fellow electors not vote for Trump Baca is willing to convince other electors to vote for another Republican as long as they're not trump. the article States, ... Baca and Chiafolo would hope that, “given the opportunity, they would support a more …show more content…
Donald Trump is known to be a very well-known businessman and if he can run many businesses and a half great monetary value then why can't he run office? A person that can handle this amount of business and has the credibility of being a person that can create these type of businesses should be able to handle being president and commander-in-chief .Donald Trump is not the right person to be elected president of the United States, because he is very unpredictable and lacks political experience. Just because a person owns businesses or has a hotel that does not mean that they are able to handle the lives of millions of people in the United States. It takes more than being rich and wealthy to be the president of the United States it takes compassion and critical thinking these are two things that Donald Trump lacks. Being president is more than just firing bombs and having negative comments to his people will not like you being president requires being selfless and requiring what is best for not only yourself but for the people you are

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