Trump's America Rhetorical Analysis

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Making America Great Again
In his first ten days in office, the concept of "Trump's America" has shown itself already to be significantly different from any President prior and potentially any future, and his inauguration speech acted as a key method of setting the stage for this. Every four years on January 20th at 12pm is officially the beginning of a new presidency. People from all over the world come together as one, as they vigilantly await the inaugural speech that would presumably indicate the intentions of their future as a nation. Though Trump is currently known as one of the world's wealthiest men, owning properties all over the world through his exceptional accomplishments in businesses, he didn't always have such luxury. In fact, Trump’s roots are derived from a working and middle class family, growing up in the outskirts of Queens. Trump’s dad, being the hard-working father that he was, later sent Trump to attend a private school in New York. Trump graduated with a BA in Economics from Wharton shortly after through the University of Pennsylvania’s business school (Mantel 1). At Trump’s first historic moment as President, he stood in front of thousands of people as he began his speech to inform America about what he wished to accomplish during his Presidential term. As his first words to the world, Trump listed all the problems the American people have been fighting for, for decades, from their absent jobs to the bloodshed of thousands of innocent American lives. Trump continued his speech with words of aspiration as he painted a vivid perception of his intentions to march the nation to success, a new meaning of triumphs, the likes of which has never been seen before. Trump began his inauguration speech with a compelling appeal to pathos, but the lack of using ethos and logos in order to persuade the audience, has left the inauguration speech of 2017, by Donald J. Trump, inadequate. Initially, Trump started off with a strong appeal to pathos as he takes the audience through a vivid reminiscence of the obstacles America has had to face throughout recent history. He begins his persuasion with strong words like “triumphs” and “victories” to show that the small group of politicians and other powerful elites have profited above thousands of suffering families. (6). Shortly after, he declares that it will be no longer be that the government controls the people. He emphasizes a revolutionary change of the people controlling the government (9). After that, Trump scrutinizes the young people's lives ending too soon in the hands of violence. He says that mothers and young children on the street and millions of families are consumed with a boundless fight for a better forthcoming (14). Ultimately, he conveys “new roads, highways, bridges, airports” while simultaneously discussing a promise for a new and better American dream, clarifying
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The continual reminder that the power is now with the people not only emotionally evoked happiness, but also showed that he is a man that is unselfish and considerate. With such a powerful and vivid word when mentioning his last breath, will leave anyone to see the …show more content…
Alluding religion, God, in his speech would often be acknowledged as him being a man of God, that might lead people to presume that Trump is not only a strong, respectable, unselfish man, but also an ethical man, which is one of the strongest ascription that anyone can hold. Ultimately, Trumps last appeal was his usage of logos, including some numbers in order to ensure his audience that he knew what he was talking about. His first, and strongest appeal to logos came up fairly quickly when he references the constitution of the united states when mentioning giving the power back to the people in regards to controlling the government (9). Though it may be debatable, Trump mentions America’s predicaments of lives lost, flushed education system, and more, which could be seen as a logo primarily because these statements are very much true (14). After all, Trump goes on to acknowledge the ten’s and millions of people that have come together, as a historical movement to America (12). Trump uses a repetition of logos appeal similar to this one where he mentions a number to describe the number of people who lost a job, came to America, or when emphasizing the amount of money America

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