The funny part was that to make it fun and goofy we dressed up as Alvin and the chipmunks. Ok it wasn’t originally our idea to dress up, it was also part of the tradition to dress up or some something equally as funny. Most guys went in some form of drag and most girls wore anything that let them have on as much clothing as possible. After we made our jump we swore we would never in a million years, even in our lives depended on it would we ever and I mean ever do it again. To this day, we never have. …show more content…
Has no one come up with a better idea, or do we think that this is a good idea. Ok so it did seem like a good idea at the time, however after it seemed like it took us a month to thaw out, plus I ended up getting the flu and missing a few days of school. Half the senior class and me.
I did win a contest ironically, even though it was pretty silly I still count it as a win. That May the local radio station was giving tickets for a special viewing of Jurassic Park in June. It was a VIP pass that included four tickets, free pop corn, pop, a candy choice and a