so we ran in the wave pool. Then we started going on the water slides. There was a really fun one called the Howlin’ Tornado which had a huge drop in the beginning then you went side to side in a big funnel-shaped room then twisted out and it was over. I went on that one twice, once with my dad and friend Ally the other with my dad, Ally, and Audrey. There was…
What was your favorite overall activity? Why? My favorite activity was the sky coaster, even though I didn’t go all the way to the top, because I am scared of heights so it helped me with my fears and because it was so much fun when I got to drop and then swing from the cords that were holding me up. 2.…
I once thought I couldn’t believe in myself! I felt as if I were nothing but a sheet of glass that was completely useless. When there were gloomy days, I felt like broken glass that was scattered all over the ground and I wouldn’t be fixable. So I thought if I joined a sport, I would then, have no choice but to believe that I can do more and accomplish more, and be better than whom I was! When I was little I loved to run…
MY VACATION OF THE UNIVERSE By:Zachary Warning! May Include Untrue Data! :) We were going pretty fast, but it was on our tail, then we were finally there, the End of the ride Or Were We……………………
The most fun I recently had was when I went to Hershey Park in the summer. It was awesome going there even though I don’t usually like going to waterparks. It is a dynamic experience and I wish I could go there again. There were also many rides which I really liked in Hershey Park.…
During the ride my cousins and I were playing Minecraft, listening to music and playing Pokemon on the DS. When we got there my dad paid for the tickets. After that we changed into our swimsuits. Then we went on a ride called Lazy River.…
There was a trampoline to jump in a foam pit. There was just running around and jumping. Then there was my favorite, dodge ball! It was so fun we could run up the wall and flip and hit someone. We were there for like 2 or 3 hours it was the best.…
I woke with a start at the obnoxious noise coming from my alarm. It was 9:00 a.m. on a Thursday, in the middle of the summer. Today, I was going to my favorite place in the world: the Tulsa State Fair. I dragged myself down the creaking stairs and into the family room, where I turned on the television. I then ate a bowl of cocoa puffs and went back upstairs to prepare myself for the day.…
We swam around and played for a few hours in the pool before we headed out again. Our parents had another surprise for us, we were going to see the Blue Man Group. It was a really great show and was fun to watch all of the cool things they do. It is like an illusion and magic show all in one, but put to music. It was a lot of fun and I am glad we went to see it.…
I went with my uncle,my cousins and my brother. Then we went into the water park at Kings Dominion. I went to a tall building and jumped off it. Then I fell in water and almost drowned. After that I got robbed from this random guy.…
I nodded my head and went straight to the giant slides. My Dad had said it as a joke but I did not understand at that age. The slide lead down to a 5 feet pool. I climbed up the stairs to the slide. My parents were screaming…
The thing about running is that you hate it until it’s over, at least for me that’s true. Personally, I like running, and it gives me a chance to get out and work towards something. All throughout high school, I’ve run track, and for two years I ran cross-country, both are great sports. The two years I ran cross-country made me wish I ran all four years. If you’re part of more than one sport, it’s natural to choose a favorite.…
It was a beautiful Friday afternoon. The May weather was perfect, with a slight refreshing breeze. Excitement was in the air as we all prepared for the 23 hour drive to Colorado. This was going to be the trip of a life time for our family. This much awaited trip had everyone on the edge of their seats.…
My alarm went off and I jumped out of bed! Today was the day that I was going to Valleyfair with my choir! After throwing my hair in a ponytail, sliding on sandals and putting my contacts in, I was ready to hit the road. I grabbed my sunglasses and hopped in the truck with Sarah. We were off to Mrs. Holmstrom's house.…
It was an ordinary day, I woke up, I went to school and I came back home. On this fine Thursday I was down at my pig pen cleaning pens when I heard my phone start ringing, it was an incoming from my mom. I was told to come to the farm down the road so I could pick out my show pig. I went up to the house after I finished cleaning pens and got my keys and took of towards the farm. It was going to take about ten minutes to get to the farm so on the way I thought about what kind of hog I wanted to show and whether or not I wanted a gilt or barrow.…