The second stage, measurement, consists of real time data taken from all team members by walking the process and observing the details. This occurs multiple times throughout the phase. During the measurement phase you are asking the following questions to the process workers: What is the biggest headache in the process? How do they prioritize the steps or actions? What is the next step?
The team will meet up for another toll gate meeting and discuss the data at this time. The team will take the data collected from phase two and throw it into an application known as
Mini-tab. Mini-tab compiles the data and creates histograms, scatter plots, and bar graphs which help the team analyze the information. The team will then take post it notes and map out the entire process step for step. Then the members will comb thru each step weeding out the waste. The steps of the process that hold value to the customer remain in the process while the business value, and the waste they have to cut out or alter to support the objectives of the process. After the team identifies the value added steps they once again convene in the toll gate