The Great Compromise Analysis

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There were three compromises that shaped the last few details to set forth the Constitution. One of those issues was The Great Compromise of 1787. By far this was the one topic that brought on the most disagreements between the states. As the states tried to come to an agreement the state Connecticut came up with their own plan to the floor, they suggested that representation within the lower house would be done by population, and each state would have an equal vote in the upper house. However, this was not very popular option between the states, so a committee worked hard to come to an agreement that every state would give their approval on. In the end the Great Compromise was a combination of the Virgina and New Jersey Plans which has created our government system the United States currently uses. …show more content…
Our founding fathers established this process between the Congress and popular vote by the people to elect a President of the United States. An Electoral College is that each state is the same number as senators ans representativies that is present in the U.S. Congress. Total number of votes including the District of Columbia is 538. In order for a Presidental Elect to when his/her seat as Presidental of the United States by the Electoral College is 270 votes. Since the radification of the Twelfth Amendment in 1804 and still the constitional foundation for presidental elections today (O’Connor, Sabato, Yanus pg. 330). There are some pros and cons with the Electoral College, here are just a few pros and cons retrieved from ( Some pros are, maintain division of powers, two party system, and minority groups. There are fewer cons with Electoral College such as discouraged voter turn out, and favortism with smaller and less populated

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