The Electoral College does not provide a straightforward process to elect president. As specified in Document D, “It favors some citizens over others depending solely upon the state which voters cast their votes for president…” In view of the fact that a state has less people than another does not necessitate that, they should obtain extra electoral votes. It should be fair and just let the votes be based off the number of senators and representatives. With political equality, all citizens are equal and it allows citizens to participate in state affairs. It includes the right to vote and the right to challenge elections. Represented in Document D, the District of Columbia combined with twelve other states have less people than Illinois, but have other electoral votes. That’s unfair. Illinois should have an accurate representation of their votes and be subpar compared to the other states and D.C just since one might be bigger or smaller than the other might be. As stated in Document G, the House of Representatives elected John Quincy Adams in 1824. John Quincy Adams did not even win the popular vote or the electoral vote. Andrew Jackson did. However, he did not have the majority. As a result, John Quincy Adams won thanks to the …show more content…
The Electoral College should be abolished because: smaller states are over represented, it is undemocratic, and it violates political equality. The Electoral College should be archaic. Essentially, there happens to be no need for it. It was established on basis of that people did not know what or who they were voting for and voted just because they could. Now-a-days, people transpire to be further educated and are able to establish the right decision on who the president should be. America exists as a democracy and all about equality. If states are more significant than others, then the candidates are only are required to attempt to win the states that take the electoral votes. It remains one-sided for the rest of the country. If a candidate has won 30 states and the other candidate won 20 how is that fair and an accurate way of taking the people 's