Should Voting be Mandatory? Barack Obama spoke about mandatory voting in the March of 2015, he related, “If everybody voted, then it would completely change the political map in this country,” Voter participation is at an all-time low with only 36.4% of eligible voters casting ballots in the 2014 midterm elections. The problems that arise from low voter turnout are numerous, but the most influential impact from not voting is this – Politicians only care about individuals who vote, and if only certain groups are voting those are the groups politicians will attempt to make happy by legislating favorably towards them. The goal of a representative democracy is to have the opinions of all people echoed through their representatives. However, when…
Many countries have lowered their voting age to 16. We need more people to vote, but we dont need more kids. 16 year olds can be influenced. Even 18 year olds can be influenced, but if an 18 year old truly wants to vote for someone then they will. We need to keep the voting age the same. We need to raise the voting percentage and bringing down the voting age will not help. As it states in the article "Keeping the Voting Age at 18", only 38% of voters were in the 18-24 age group voted.…
the group that has been misunderstood for many years, are actually the future of our Country. The turnouts in the voting polls have not been the best for our younger eligible voters, they are voting at a much lower rate than their older counterparts, in this case their elders. According to Rob Richie, director of the national reform organization FairVote and a resident of the Montgomery County, which is the first to lower the voting age to sixteen says he had seen documents from Denmark…
Looking for a glimmer of light in the darkness, I found a clue aligned with my own heart. The statement, "One real problem facing America is the aging voting population," "(Keep the Voting Age at 18)," is the piece of evidence in the battle, rewarded with my own agreement. Listing the pro's and con's, leads to and overwhelming number of facts assisting in my evaluation; the victor, "Keep the Voting Age at 18". I find, after reviewing the percentage of people voting, inserted in both articles,…
Maybe voting was not such a big thing for other people that are my age, but for me it was something thrill that I had yet to do. At times, I felt that voting was not a big deal; however, I thought to myself, “Okay, I have the opportunity to vote while there are many others who would love to vote, but cannot do so. It would be a shame to not take advantage of voting.” When I first came to the U.S, a few years back in 2010, I had no clue about voting. Now, I felt as if it were something important…
The right to vote is one of the most important, fundamental rights given to American citizens. Yet, rather than seeking to make more convenient and accessible for citizens interested in engaging in the political process, state governments focus rather often focus time and resources on restricting voting and making the process more complex and difficult. States governments have the authority to determine not only who is allowed to register to vote, but also how the process of voting itself…
Voting percentages of young adults in Canada has been on a gradual decline for the past 30 years, as shown in “Samara: Message Not Delivered”, reaching an all time low during the 2011 Federal Election. Youth voting has seen a decrease in volume due to reasons such as political leaders failing to contact young adults during key electoral times, young adults perceiving that politics are irrelevant to them, and in British Columbia, for example, registering to be eligible to vote in the Provincial…
power. By maintaining a fair system, citizens are able to voice opinions, and elect officials who they see fit. However, structural and social factors have established roadblocks in the voting process. These hindrances have been linked to individuals abstaining from voting, and…
could potentially gain by voting rather than not voting. As best explained by Blais (2000), “it is not the potential benefit but the expected benefit that matters. The rational individual must ask what the chances are that their vote will decide whether or not their preferred candidate wins or loses” (p. 1). As a result, the rational individual must determine the probability that his or her vote will be decisive, that it will determine whether his or her candidate wins or loses. Overall, people…
continued with users able to use share their opinions to a wide audience at any time. Despite all this, the voting turnout for presidential elections and voting on issues has been down for quite some time, especially for the young adult and college student crowd. The crowd of young adult voters that…