Should Electoral College Be Abolished Research Paper

Improved Essays
The Electoral College should be changed based on somethings and abolished on other things. The Electoral college should be changed/abolished because the electoral college voting is unfair, Hamilton said the population was to incompetent to choose a countries leader, because of the 270 rule, and it so a multi party system flourish. If Wyoming wants Trump as a president and the members of the electoral college for the state want clinton and the whole state end up going democratic that would not be fair for the citizens. Because Wyoming has 563,626 residents and only 3 electoral members (Document #2) then it should be the citizens who solely decide who they want without the college to decide with the winner takes all system. Now in other cases like Texas or California where the states have 38 and 55 electoral members(Document #2) it’s good for those states because together the electoral amount is nearly 100, so whichever candidate won those states would have quite a start. So the Electoral College is good for larger states but not so great for smaller states based on winner takes all.

The College should be abolished to help bring 3rd parties into the election and have a chance to win. For instance with the 2000
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The electoral college should have to changed to 538 votes to win or make it more like ¾ of the votes. But to have a less than half of the votes go to the majority does not seem right for those states who voted the opposition. There is also Faithless Electoral Voters, even though it is very rare these people will go against the state’s majority voter and vote for the opposing party. Most states have a sort of federal binding that prevents the electoral voter to vote for the wrong party with stiff fines and possible jail

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