Comparison Of Fences And Killings

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Troy Maxson and Matt Fowler’s character are much more alike than one would think. These two gentlemen are the male protagonists in two separate stories written by different authors and written years apart. Yet, the fathers in these separate stories are equal in their love for their families, even if their way of showing it is as different as day and night. We will explore the story Fences written by August Wilson in 1985 and discuss the story Killings written by Andres Dubus in 1979. While going over these stories we will compare the male protagonists love for their families and the similarities and differences in what they consider to be the obligations they have to their families.
As the reader is introduced to both of these characters, one learns that these men are fathers and husbands. They both feel like they are responsible for their families. They are committed to their families in ways that one would expect from fathers. They are the providers and caregivers. Troy who is the lead character in Fences has a less conventional way of showing and expressing his love than Matt. Troy is hardened by the life that he has lived. He has been through a lot of negative experiences. He wants to raise and educate his children in the best way he knows. Unfortunately, his life experiences have taught him poorly in how to parent. Although, at times it seems his heart may be in the right place he ends up hurting his children more often than naught. Similarly, Matt, who is the father and male lead in Killings also has been exposed to hardship. He is truly devoted to his family and the love for his children. He also works towards doing what is best for his family. He too can at times be misguided in his decisions and choices. The characters in these story are colored in imperfections. The reader can see the conflict and constant struggles with emotions that the men are experiencing. They are not perfect, but instead are riddled with imperfections. They work towards ensuring the outcome in life is good for their families. They also try to shield them from the pain the world may cause them. Another way that these two characters are similar is that they make decisions that can be perceived as selfish by some. Examples, would include when Troy discourages his son from playing football. Some of this appears to be coming from a place of selfishness. Troy was never able to accomplish his desire of playing baseball and therefore he does not want his child to reach his dream of playing professional football. Matts act of selfishness toes the line of selflessness. He kills the killer of his son. He does this partly because seeing his son’s murderer effects his wife but more so because of his desire for vengeance. This can be seen as being selfish because he is not considering the consequences of his actions. Not only for the murders family but also how his act will affect his family moving forward. The overall similarities between the two men are more evident than one would think. At first glance the reader will not think that these men
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Matt Fowlers character is alone with his wife due to the death pf his son. He is left reeling, lost and uncomfortable in the life that he has set up for himself and his wife. He has performed an atrocious act. The outcome may Land him in prison is it is ever discovered.. In the story Fences Troy is last written as dead from a heart attack. He has left a lot of sorrow in his path. Both endings leave the reader feeling a sense of sadness and emptiness. Neither man was able to truly escape the life that was written for them. Their loved ones are effected by their choices in a way that is not clear. Although Matts wife may seem to feel more at ease knowing that her son’s killer is dead, it is unclear if ultimately this is true. In regards to Troy’s family it also seems that they will be able to move on and live in a way that will be positive, but again it is unclear. The rest of the characters in these stories are immensely influenced by the actions of the

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