The narrator and her sister, Vanessa appear to be good children who listen to their parents commands, and we can see that from “Mum hisses, “Try and look hungry kids.” I suck in my belly as far as possible,..., Vanessa sinks her head to her chest and shrinks with not-wanting-to-be-here.”(5-9) Both the narrator and her sister do not question their parents and do as needed. We can also determine that the father is the man of the family, meaning, he is the leader of the family and both the children and the mother follow him. “If Dad starts tearing tickets and his face becomes folded and deep, we feel ourselves become quiet and wishing-we-weren’t-here.”(31-32) Further more, we can see that the Mother is an obedient figure towards her husband, she respects him. We can also analyse that the Dad is the final decision maker in the family, he is the authority figure. As a family they seem like they have gone through a lot and all of the events that took place before they got to this situation formed their family structure. Due to the author's great use of words we get to evaluate the characters for who they …show more content…
Based on the usage of imagery we get to elaborate on the characters, what kind of personality they posses and what kind of a family do these characters form. Again starting from imagery we are able to process and interpret the kind of business this family is in and their financial state. The three noteworthy things that I have seen while reading this writing was that there is an incredible measure of imagery, the characters are well represented and we can get a simple portrayal of the family because of the writer's great selection of words, also, to wrap things up, we get the opportunity to see inside of the family’s world inside of the tobacco