In “Cheating In College: Where It Happens, Why Students Do It and How to Stop It,” and article from The Huffington Post discusses that “About 75 percent of college students admit to cheating, suggesting that probably even more than three quarters of college students have done something against the rules to improve their grades.” (The Huffington Post). More than half the school admitted to cheating which shows that they don’t care as much about the courses they are taking. Grading system should also be changed into a way that would allow the student to care less about their grade and focus more on their learning. In Beer and Circus, Murray Sperber mentions how, “ Rutgers professor Michael Moffat answered the query, in part, by noting that ‘undergrads who know their professors and respect them are less likely to cheat in those classes’ than students in huge lecture classes” (124). This evidence comes to show that teachers should encourage more engagement and should be more engaged with their students as well so that trust can be developed as well. A good thing to consider to prevent cheating is bringing up or assigning a class that comes to their attention or
In “Cheating In College: Where It Happens, Why Students Do It and How to Stop It,” and article from The Huffington Post discusses that “About 75 percent of college students admit to cheating, suggesting that probably even more than three quarters of college students have done something against the rules to improve their grades.” (The Huffington Post). More than half the school admitted to cheating which shows that they don’t care as much about the courses they are taking. Grading system should also be changed into a way that would allow the student to care less about their grade and focus more on their learning. In Beer and Circus, Murray Sperber mentions how, “ Rutgers professor Michael Moffat answered the query, in part, by noting that ‘undergrads who know their professors and respect them are less likely to cheat in those classes’ than students in huge lecture classes” (124). This evidence comes to show that teachers should encourage more engagement and should be more engaged with their students as well so that trust can be developed as well. A good thing to consider to prevent cheating is bringing up or assigning a class that comes to their attention or