Since 2001, airlines have cut roughly 160,000 jobs and lost a total of $55 billion in yields and fares ( With a decrease in jobs and declining yields, the debt stricken US economy suffered even more. Not only were jobs being lost and revenues affected, but airline mergers were also threatening to further weaken the travel industry. After 9/11, there was a wave of super mergers amongst airlines. The federal government tried to regulate these mergers the best it could, but some changes were inevitable. On September 22, Congress approved a $15.0 billion bailout for the airline industry ( Although many airlines received funding from the bailout, it was still not enough for some airlines. Mass hysteria over flying also erupted after 9/11. Americans were too afraid to fly, which also led to declines in airline travel. Although changes made at security checkpoints and legislation such as the Aviation and Transportation Security Act were passed, Americans were still fearful of flying. This effected the industry majorly, as well as the …show more content…
Americans became skeptical of foreigners and immigrants living in the US, which led to lifestyle changes. There was a huge emphasis on buying products made in the US and only using services provided by American owned companies. Americans became highly skeptical against groups such as Muslims and other people originally from Middle Eastern countries. Racial tensions mounted and there was an increase in crimes committed against those groups. There were also several Americans who turned to the side of terrorists and there was an uptick in domestic terrorist attacks. Many psychologists believe that the mindsets of Americans were effected as a result of 9/11. “In some ways –whether it’s further awareness of foreign threats or the idea that the US is not completely safe – Americans underwent an existential crisis” ( There was a huge distrust in the government after 9/11 and the suspicions of the government legally spying on Americans did not help at all. The effects of 9/11 forever changed the US. National security, the economy, and the everyday lives of Americans would never be the same. The government’s response led to major declines in the economy, as well as challenged the way Americans view of the government. The lifestyle changes will be as permanent as the fears that will always plague