These words get tossed to those who are towards the movement of pro-choice and not “pro-life”. Abortion is a topic that has been discussed time and time again, but rightfully so. Presidential candidates are often asked about their stance on the abortion issue and it is a topic that can greatly affect their votes. It is hard to admit that one considers themselves to be part of the pro-choice movement when such negative words are often used to describe them. Not even dreaded politicians should have the feeling to succumb to neutrality on the issue because of harsh viewpoints from society. Keeping abortions legal gives women the right to choose what happens with their body as it involves their life as well; the option …show more content…
Is she expected to give birth? Or die trying?
This is why it is vital considering all circumstances before coming to the automatic response of “Give it up for adoption.” Randie Bencanann, who worked in an adoption agency, even goes to state, “And while abortion is not always a regret-free procedure, studies show that the vast majority of those who obtain one feel that it is the right decision—even those who experience negative feelings after the fact”.
Rape is not necessarily the only instance where abortion is better for both beings. Take a drug addict for example, the woman may not be able to stop her addiction at the moment in time she is pregnant, and would be much safer for the embryo to be aborted. If she is forced into giving birth, the likelihood that the quality of life will be good for the child is slim to none. The child may face neglect and even gradual death rather than if the fetus was terminated at an appropriate time.
A financially troubled person should not be obligated to giving birth because maintaining the brand new life will be disastrous. The expenses of taking care of a child and giving birth are extremely high; abortions can be a safe and a less expensive resort to a woman who cannot give …show more content…
Some activists even say that the fetus could have been an influential leader and could have lived their life with their full potential, but thinking like that is also like saying that if Mussolini had been aborted, a plethora of people would have still been alive today.
The abortion issue is a huge gray area. Essentially, a fertilized egg is a potential human being and terminating it is considered to be cold-blooded murder, but the when a living sperm and egg cell are destroyed, it is not. Trying to defend life that has merely begun to form or be fertilized is like trying to defend every sperm and egg cell that hasn’t had the right to their life as an adult.
Giving women a choice and educating them on other options is a secure way in making sure that a female is safe. Being against abortion is ones’ choice so abstain yourself from the practice, but fighting to make the practice illegal kills what could have been the best decision that the woman could have made for herself and her child. Therefore, I support the movement in maintaining freedom and keeping the choice alive for women who may need it. A safe legalized abortion has had a positive impact on the health of American women by providing them with a non-dangerous way to terminate their pregnancies. Illegalizing abortion will do more harm than