According to PBS, back in 1973 was the Roe v. Wade case that made it illegal for a state to ban abortions for any reason. Before Roe v. Wade, states could only allow abortions in the instant of the mother’s life being threatened if they chose to; but after two college graduates from a Texan law school fought Texas for abortion being a violation of a woman’s right, the trial was sent to the Supreme Court. At the end of the trial, the Supreme Court ruled 7:2 in the favor of Roe; therefore enforcing that abortions were available for women (2006). Even 44 years later, the Roe v. Wade case which is still argued about whether is it right or not, but at the day's end, it truly is the mother’s choice on what she does. The argument during Roe v. Wade was that outlawing abortion invaded the “zone of privacy”, but now the argument is “Her body, her choice”. According to the Pro-Choice Action Network, “If fetal rights were enshrined in law, women’s bodies, rights, and health would be subordinated to the protection of embryos” (Misconceptions About Abortion, n.d.). This brings the topic right back to the Roe v. Wade case that ensures that the rights of the mother comes before those of the fetus growing inside her. Thanks to women who fought for their right abortion, women have the right to choose safe and effective ways to end an unwanted …show more content…
The Christians and the pro-life people share some of the same beliefs, but one that may differ depending on religious beliefs is that the Bible says that it is wrong. The Bible never actually references abortion as a crime, however it does say that it is wrong to murder, found in Exodus 20:13 (NIV), and the Bible also talks about how God knows who a person is, while still in the womb, in Luke 1:15 (NIV). Since God knows who someone is before they are born, that person must be a human before they are born. Jeremiah 1:5 also reinstates this belief by saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart” (NIV). These few verses are the anchor to the Christian belief that the Bible says abortion is wrong. It is also important to remember that not everyone who is pro-life is Christian and not every Christian is