Convenience is an appealing factor in choosing bottled water over tap. In 2014, 148,341,000 people attended the Disney World theme park (first-thing-in-the-citation). …show more content…
Bottled water is possibly the most healthy thing that a person can put in their body. This is true because bottled water is monitored by the FDA so that it is not contaminated or harmful to people who drink it. The FDA goes to extreme lengths to make sure that the bottled water we drink is not contaminated by “Process, bottle, hold and transport bottled water under sanitary conditions, Protect water sources from bacteria, chemicals and other contaminants, Use quality control processes to ensure the bacteriological and chemical safety of the water, Sample and test both source water and the final product for contaminants,” (Zeratsky). These precautions are life-saving for those living in countries where clean water is not ready from the tap. Bottled water saves millions of lives every year in underdeveloped countries. A local church here in Starke, Fl, named the First United Methodist Church of Starke, has a yearly trip to Africa where they go to help out. This includes bringing bottled water to the people who live there because the water that they had been drinking was from a river miles away. Not only was the river far from their village but it was contaminated, dirty water. After bringing fresh bottled water to Africa, the villager’s health started to improve, saving