Occasionally a character speaks in Spanish usually to show emotion or to emphasize the importance of a moment. An example of the use of Spanish language in showing emotion was when Antonio’s mother found out that her three older sons were coming home from the war. She expressed her great joy and gratitude with the following: “¡Jesús, María Purísima!” my mother cried. “Blessed Virgen de Guadalupe, thank you San Martín, ay Dios mío, gracias a San Cristóbal!” (Anaya 60). On Antonio’s first day of school his mother says to Ultima that she wants Antonio to be a great man of learning because of her family’s traditions so Ultima gives him a blessing as he begins this important time in his life: “En el nombre Padre, del Hijo, y el Espíritu Santo--” (Anaya 55). Although the use of Spanish is important in the book the presence of it decreases from the beginning to the end as Antonio learns and
Occasionally a character speaks in Spanish usually to show emotion or to emphasize the importance of a moment. An example of the use of Spanish language in showing emotion was when Antonio’s mother found out that her three older sons were coming home from the war. She expressed her great joy and gratitude with the following: “¡Jesús, María Purísima!” my mother cried. “Blessed Virgen de Guadalupe, thank you San Martín, ay Dios mío, gracias a San Cristóbal!” (Anaya 60). On Antonio’s first day of school his mother says to Ultima that she wants Antonio to be a great man of learning because of her family’s traditions so Ultima gives him a blessing as he begins this important time in his life: “En el nombre Padre, del Hijo, y el Espíritu Santo--” (Anaya 55). Although the use of Spanish is important in the book the presence of it decreases from the beginning to the end as Antonio learns and