Bless Me Ultima Essay

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Bless Me Ultima, by Rudolfo Anaya, is a narrative that follows Antonio in his transformation from kid to man. In this story, Antonio’s parents have very different views on what Antonio should do with his life. His mom wants him to be a priest, but his dad wants him to be free and do whatever it is that makes him happy. Then a curandera, Ultima comes to live with Antonio’s family, and she shares her wisdom and knowledge about life with Antonio, with the hopes of helping him decide what to do with his life.

Up to the point where Ultima visits, Antonio is unaware that he has a choice in what to do with himself. He thinks that he is required to become a priest, only because it is what his mom wants for him. Antonio really
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“Was it possible that there was more power in Ultima's magic than in the priest? "(103). At this point, Antonio’s faith in God lessens as his faith in Ultima increases greatly. Later on, Antonio learns the story about the golden carp from another boy. The legend of the golden carp revolves around the premise that only magical people are able to see it. And it just so happens that Antonio can see the carp as well. "The golden carp is my god, Tony. He will rule the new waters. I will be happy to be with my god. It was unbelievable, and yet it made a wild kind of sense! All the pieces fitted! "(124). At this point in time, Antonio still has a plethora of questions that need to be answered about life, religion, and what happens after this life, but the church is just dancing around the subjects at hand, and not giving him real answers. But Antonio thinks his First Communion will cause him to know the answers to all of his questions. Antonio is growing more faithful to the golden carp every day, but he doesn’t feel ready to totally abandon the church. He wants to wait for his First Communion to see if he experiences some kind of

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