Juxtaposed to the catholic belief of the crucifixion is the torment of Florence. Florence is treated with severe disrespect for not believing in God. The group of kids beat him and the priest makes him stand resembling a cross. Jesus and Florence receives treatment that is congruent to each other. This shows that the morality of the people has not changed since the crucifixion. Mexican folklore includes the belief of a healer called a curandera. The curandera, Ultima, shares aspects with the priest in the Catholic Church. Ultima heals the illness of Antonio’s uncle Lucas when the priest fails to do so. The village start to think Ultima must be an evil witch because …show more content…
It shows that they are primarily the same, just with different feature. The supreme ruler of Mexican folklore is the power of the earth and nature. In Catholicism, the power of the earth is incorporated into being an omniscience life form. Antonio realizes that religion does not have to be strict and could be changed, “Take the llano… moon and the sea, God and the golden carp and make something new” (247). Christianity and Mexican folklore can be intertwined. In fact, they were together before Antonio was born. Antonio is a Mexican-American; he has lost some on the cultures of the native Mexicans but gained American customs too. By understanding the entity, you can fix the problem and create something