In Rodriguez essay Aria Memoir of a bilingual childhood describes a young boy named Rodriguez only able to speak Spanish which is referred as a private language throughout the essay and English being the public language. Rodriguez not being able to speak English made him an outcast from society. He only felt like himself only at home with his family that shared the same scenario as him. Rodriguez till this day would still be speaking Spanish if it wasn't for his teachers bringing their concerns to his parents that he will not succeed in his education unless he was taught English. From that day forward not only for him but his whole family made it a priority to learn English. When becoming fluent in English
In Rodriguez essay Aria Memoir of a bilingual childhood describes a young boy named Rodriguez only able to speak Spanish which is referred as a private language throughout the essay and English being the public language. Rodriguez not being able to speak English made him an outcast from society. He only felt like himself only at home with his family that shared the same scenario as him. Rodriguez till this day would still be speaking Spanish if it wasn't for his teachers bringing their concerns to his parents that he will not succeed in his education unless he was taught English. From that day forward not only for him but his whole family made it a priority to learn English. When becoming fluent in English