For instance, Espada believes bilingualism needs to be fought for and that it can benefit you. He uses poems and experiences to demonstrate that. The poems “Offering to an Ulcerated God” and “Mariano Explains Yanqui Colonialism to Judge Collins” to demonstrate how lacking the ability to speak at least two languages can be problematic, and how the defendants could have greatly benefited from speaking English. He also says “‘That’s what they’re trying to do to all of us,’ I said, then added: ‘He can rip my tongue out if he wants. But it won’t work, porque hablo español del corazón’” (96-99). This shows that Espada’s fight against the oppression of Spanish made him truly bilingual. If he had given into the threats and anti-Spanish movements, he would have lost Spanish and bilingualism, but he kept his bilingualism because he fought for …show more content…
As a bilingual myself, I believe that being bilingual can be useful in various ways. Whenever I have traveled across the world (which is fairly often), I find myself able to communicate on some level with the locals, because I speak Spanish. I can often deduce what they are saying because there are similar roots in their language and mine. Locals also prefer that you attempt to speak their language rather than speaking English, and it greatly improves their attitude towards tourists when they try to speak their language. That’s why I believe that people should have bilingualism in their public lives. It helps with communication, and often people from other countries feel more comfortable speaking their language, instead of speaking English. Rodriguez describes this in his essay: “Shortly after, I stopped hearing the high and loud sounds of los gringos. A more and more confident speaker of English, I didn’t trouble to listen to how strangers sounded, speaking to me” (101-104). This passage from Rodriguez’s essay shows how useful being bilingual is. In his case, his learning of English made him a true American citizen because he could finally speak his country’s language. When he accepted English, he became bilingual and he could use English and Spanish interchangeably. After learning English, he could communicate in public, with, in his case, English.