Big Future College

Great Essays
Graduation is approaching quickly and senior year is coming to a close. Now is the time to be thinking about college and formulating a plan for a successful future. Both Oklahoma State University and Abilene Christian University are fantastic schools that offer many amazing opportunities. Choosing a college is a big decision that can have a huge impact on your life and it’s important to make an informed decision. Looking into the history of a college can help in the decision making process. The Abilene Christian University website says that in the summer of 1906 “A.B Barrett and Charles Robertson decided to form a school in west Texas and the Abilene churches of Christ agreed to support the project. Childers Classical institute opened in …show more content…
College Board, the author of the Big Future College website asserts that ACU is a medium sized, private university in Abilene, Texas. It is religiously affiliated with the Church of Christ and it is a coed college. There are lots of facilities worth visiting at ACU such as the Onstead-Packer Biblical studies building which according to the colleges website has sixteen classrooms equipped with the latest audio visual and computer equipment and also the large chapel that is host to many devotionals and weddings. In comparison, College Board, the author of the Big Future College website asserts that OSU is a large, public college in Stillwater, Oklahoma. It is not religiously affiliated and welcomes both male and female students. There are many unique facilities on campus such as the Colvin recreation center which is described on the OSU website to have accommodations for golf, aquatics, climbing, weights, track, dance and multipurpose rooms for a variety of other activities on the OSU website. OSU also has facilities for academics like the six floor Edmon Low library and the writing center that offers one-on-one consultations with trained writing consultants which is also described on the schools website. When comparing the colleges it is noticeable that there are a lot of similarities like the basic college accommodations but there are also differences in the things specific to each colleges like the religious focus of ACU and the athletic element at

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