Indifference, FSU overall is statistically better. FSU is a slightly larger school with 60,767 students vs 41,226 students, given it's a larger school it's acceptance rate is much higher than UCF with a 55.4% versus 49.6%. The GPA needed for FSU is a 3.75 and the GPA required for is a 3.81, making it easier to get into FSU. On the other hand, UCF offers slightly cheaper instate tuition, which is $6360 versus FSU $6507. …show more content…
Something big to contemplate when you're going into college is the teacher to student ratio. Do you work well in an environment with hundreds of students, or do you need if you were students in a classroom to be able to concentrate. Most people prefer a setting with less students, because it is much easier to focus and you will have more attention that way. UCF has a 31 to 1 student to teacher ratio, well FSU has a 25 to 1 student to teacher ratio. Also you have to consider the ratings of the teachers. FSU has a eight out of ten star rating and UCF having a seven out of ten stars ratio. These facts make it obvious to see that FSU is the better