Over time college has gradually became more expensive; paying back student loans can be a burden on students and take them years to pay back the financial aid that was acquired.
However, Northeast Lakeview College and UTSA …show more content…
But that’s not meant to make community colleges sound boring and strict its just said to let those who have that mind set of partying twenty four seven throughout college to reconsider their choice of colleges because it may leave them unsatisfied unfortunately. And As for Northeast Lakeview College academically, they have different activities to attend or to be in such as joining the police activity forces and or volunteering for community work whichever the student prefers. NLC only offers morning and evening classes that usually last around an hour to two hours depending on class sizes, and particular courses. Most community colleges offer the gift and curse known as freedom and with that comes being self reliant/independent towards their students meaning their not going to monitor each and every student every step of the way throughout college. So be wise that the social and campus life at a community college such as NLC are very diverse.
Attending Northeast Lakeview College for two years then transferring to UTSA for the following two years will require you to have a certain number of hours and credits to transfer to a big university like UTSA; and the number of community college hours accomplished will be transferred over to UTSA where then he or she can begin to put a schedule together once their hours, credits and grades transfer …show more content…
That 's why I have chosen to attend Northeast Lakeview College for the first two years of college then transfer to the University of Texas San Antonio for the last two years of college. This decision wasn’t easy and still isn 't solid because those who have attended college before know that you have to meet all requirements and be accepted in before planning any next steps; so this is only the beginning to a bright, luxurious future also known as my