Last year, I had the privilege of being asked to join Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society at UCR, which recruits the top 20% of all undergraduate students. By joining and becoming actively involved with the organization, I was fortunate enough to be offered the position of Vice- President of the organization, which is the most meaningful achievement I have had so far.
Business Administration is a very broad field of study, and while we must have a concentration it is still difficult to decide what to focus on. That is why extracurricular activities can help with the decision process. My achievement of becoming a Vice-President of a top honor society on campus has allowed me to exert authority, learn to delegate, and overall be a mentor to our members. Through this …show more content…
Moving to Riverside my first year was easy, but it was not until a few months later where I began to notice the depression I was acquiring being away from home. I did not immerse myself into the college environment and did all tasks with no purpose. Being homesick is something every college student goes through, but getting over it is what differentiates us. I chose to change the situation for myself because I wanted to be happier. The first few tries did not work, and I still felt disconnected from UCR. Nonetheless, after learning to always give whatever the situation my all my situation began to enhance. I began to work more on assignments, involve myself with organizations, and set up weekly goals to accomplish. Through improving what I was not content with, I was able to obtain better grades, volunteer more, and build a life at UCR with which I was satisfied. While I still love going home, being at UCR is home