as a way to make a college application look nice or just for the recognition. I personally see being a part of this prestigious organization as a way to use my qualities of character, scholarship, leadership, and service, for the better. Aside from implementing them into N.H.S., I am confident that my skills will improve and new ones will develop. As honored as I am for being invited to join, the honor of being accepted will be truly worthwhile. Being a member, I will benefit as a person, but even more important is the great impact I will leave on the school and the
as a way to make a college application look nice or just for the recognition. I personally see being a part of this prestigious organization as a way to use my qualities of character, scholarship, leadership, and service, for the better. Aside from implementing them into N.H.S., I am confident that my skills will improve and new ones will develop. As honored as I am for being invited to join, the honor of being accepted will be truly worthwhile. Being a member, I will benefit as a person, but even more important is the great impact I will leave on the school and the