“Membership in National Junior Honor Society has become recognized as one of the highest honors that can be bestowed upon a junior high school student. Membership is, however, more than an honor; it carries with it a responsibility and should be considered the beginning of an obligation, not merely the successful culmination of an effort to achieve recognition and honor.” Not only because it’s an honor or a recognition, but I would like to be a part of NJHS because I’m very responsible and I love helping people and community service. Responsibility is one of the major requirements for being in NJHS.…
MHS NHS Officer Application Essay National Honors Society has made me see a better way to help the community and the school. Before I was in this organization I volunteered outside of school. I’ve always been about helping others and trying to make a difference in the world. Being an officer for National Honors Society would mean that I could be more involved with the school, as well as put my time towards meaningful projects.…
Jakyha Burdette 4-26-17 National Junior Honor Society Application Doing good in school is important to me because I can set a good example. It is important to set a good example so that others can follow to make the school look good inside and outside of school. I also try to good in school so I can get into a college so I can get the job I want to do in my future.…
I would be a great candidate of the Anne M Dorner middle school chapter of the National Junior Honor Society because I demonstrate scholarship, service, character, citizenship, and leadership in my everyday life. Some of the committee has already noticed my scholarship because they have identified me as having a high academic performance. What the committee might not know is that I have been participating in the STEP program since 7th grade. My service to help the community of Ossining and to show service is by the following, altar service, soccer modified team manager, and I like to lead running and warm-ups for soccer. I also help in my school by helping classmates in what I can, and working in groups and getting the job done.…
National Junior Honor Society is a great opportunity for me! I have been dreaming to be in this society ever since the end of fifth grade. I would love to be involved in NJHS and share my suggestions and listen to other people’s ideas. I am very passionate to help those in need. For an example, I have donated many foods, clothing, utensils, and more to Vietnam and to the victims of Hurricane Harvey.…
National Junior Honor Society is a great opportunity for me, and is an organization that I really hope to be in. I love doing service not because I am forced to, but I get to be with my friends and is also a way for me to give back to the community. I love helping the needy and have participated in countless activities. For example, I was a part of a group that put together care kits for the homeless, picked up trash at a park, and created blankets for the needy. Being in NJHS will give me a chance to find even more ways to do more service and become a leader.…
One breath away! One breath away, someone is freezing, all alone. The last shred of warmness in his body will be gone. His heart will turn cold. He is one breath away from complete coldness.…
I have validated my leadership proficiency throughout the community by partaking in activities such as, student council, basketball, and 4-h. I have proven my character by being hard working, trustworthy, responsible, reliable, and honest. I value serving my community and making a difference in society by performing adventitious acts of kindness. I am cautiously aware of my grades and take pride in my scholarship. Contributing my qualities to NJHS will benefit others and lead them to become better citizens in society. I am always striving to make a change in my community by providing positive guidance to others .…
Becoming a Nation Honors Society member would be a great privilege to represent the not only the school but also myself and family. Nation Honors Society has been an ongoing tradition since 1946 that would bring me great joy to be included and carry out the work it has established. Not only would being a member be a privilege to me it can also bring my hard work and dedication into play in the community. My hard work and dedication can help me to build services projects that will benefit the communities surrounding our school. Service to my community means I can help others that may need assistance in many roads of life.…
When first applying to my school’s chapter of the National Honor Society I thought little of it. It was a club that everyone applies to, and something my friends urged me to join. I was unsure if I even wanted to apply until the week before the deadline. Although stressful, I worked hard and was able to fill in the application, and turn in something I was proud of. After turning it in…
Not many things in my life go unnoticed, my family and friends can attest to this. I love to share my everyday experiences with anyone who will listen and in short, I love being happy. This however, does leave one thing in my life that I don’t like anyone to see; I struggle sometimes. At times it’s with assignments or other responsibilities, and others it’s balancing my home and social life. I like to be a ray of positivity, but with daytime always comes night, and many times I leave that time just for me.…
Back in middle school, I was a part of National Junior Honor Society (NJHS). We were the largest class to be inducted into NJHS. Being such a large class meant we would have to raise a lot of money if we expected to reach our goal. Our goal was to raise enough money for our trip to the Lead Conference at Washington, D.C.…
National Honor Society (NHS), a highly prestigious organization that runs nationwide. It is more than just an honors club. The National Honor Society recognizes students who show excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. I believe that I possess these qualities, and will be able to contribute to the betterment of the community. The National Honor Society would give me a huge opportunity to reach out and give more to the society.…
NJHS Scholarship Academic success is important to me because if do not take the time now to learn and develop skills I will need in the future I will not have a good job and will not be able to have a good life.doing my best in school is also important to me because i will be be a good role model to the young kids i know. Good grade are also important to me because it makes me feel success from my hard work Participation Be involved in my school and community is important to me because I get to help people who are not as fortunate as me. It also makes me feel good about myself when I see how I touched someone's life. Some things that i do are; Cherry Tree Blossom festival volunteer, St. Peters Carnival,…
The most honorable honors that I have received was an invitation to join the National Honors Society, along side with an invitation to join the National Society of High School Scholars; I was accepted to both of them. I had also received various invitations to medical meetings in Florida, but was unable to go due to the distance. At Hudson Catholic there is a group for Christian Service which helps the less fortunate, the group has strict requirements but I was accepted both my Junior and Senior year but was unable attend because of my schedule. But the most honorable title, I was given was, eighth place in my class rank of 2016, which is considered to be the top five percent, but it will soon change to six by the end of the school year. I had begun working with my father since the end of my Sophomore year, my father works as a Trucker who moves cargo for Walgreens, I had worked with him on the Weekdays and summer…