Bernese mountain dogs are among one of the most stunning representatives of the canine species with their thick, soft fur and tri-colored coat. They are loyal, affectionate, friendly with kids, and easy to train. No wonder, they are so popular nowadays.
If you are thinking about adopting a Bernese dog, or you already have one, you might be wondering – how much exercise does a Bernese mountain dog need? To find the answer, we should look at the history of the Bernese mountain dog. For centuries these lovely dogs were a vital part of the farm and village live in Switzerland. They had a lot of responsibilities around the farm - they pulled carts to the market, herded cattle, and watched over the property and their owners.
Then we should consider the size of the Bernese mountain dog because you know …show more content…
Imagine if you had to wear a winter coat during the hottest summer day, and you’ll understand how your dog feels. So during the summer, you should take your dog for a walk in the early morning hours or the late evening. Also, provide a cool and shady place for your dog outside or consider fans and air-conditioning.
If you have a large yard, do not think that your dog is getting all the required exercise. The Bernese dog loves to play in the yard, but it is a social animal. It prefers to be around people and to be part of their activities and daily routine. If you leave it alone in the yard for the better part of the day, it’s likely that it’s not getting enough exercise.
But what are the most suitable exercises for Bernese mountain dog? Well, consider the following activities: a walk on a leash, pulling, digging, hiking, swimming, or running in the dog park.
But don’t expect your Bernese dog to be very enthusiastic about the “Go, fetch!” game. They might run after the ball, but most aren’t very interested in bringing it