Quite a few modern heroes have super strength, examples being Superman, the Hulk, and Captain America. Beowulf is just like them, with his strength being described as: “greater and stronger than anyone anywhere in this world” (Pg 28). This claim is proven later when Beowulf encounters a ravaging demon known as Grendel; “That shepherd of evil (Grendel), guardian of crime, knew at once that nowhere on earth had he met a man (Beowulf) whose hands were harder; his mind was flooded with fear” (Pg …show more content…
Beowulf is not excluded. “Proclaiming that he’d go to that famous king, would sail across the sea to Hrothgar, now when help was needed”(Pg 28). He was willing to sail across a sea to help a person in need, showing impressive determination. “And he’d go to it alone, scorning to lead soldiers against such an enemy: he saw nothing to fear” (Pg 47) Beowulf didn’t hesitate to fearlessly leap into battles by himself, he knew his own power and acted on it courageously. Even in the midst of a battle with Grendel’s mother when his weapons wouldn’t work, he continued to fight. “He tossed his sword aside, angry; the steel-edged blade lay where he’d dropped it. If weapons were useless he’d use his hands, the strength in his fingers,”(Pg 39). His first thought is to use his hands when his sword fails him. Any regular man would have thought to retreat, Beowulf was so brave that retreat was never an option (for better or for worse). No matter the circumstance, Beowulf did not give up, he fought until he was either victorious or