Beowulf: What Makes A Modern Day Hero?

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What Makes A Modern Day Hero?
What is your favorite hero? Batman, Superman, Wonder Women, these are popular examples of heroism. No one thinks of heroes such as Hercules, Rick Rescorla, or Beowulf. Although, people think of heroes as a fictional figure that saves the day when evil is near, heroes are as real as the sky is blue. Beowulf may be an epic hero now, but at a point in time, Beowulf was a serious hero that saved lives, much like Rick Rescorla. Rescorla saved 2,700 lives with others were paralyzed with fear on 9/11, he rushed people to safety. They both fought for their people, saved those who were in distress, and stood for those who could not stand for themselves.
Bravery is a characteristic that every hero must have. For Beowulf and Rescorla, this was a lifestyle. Beowulf displayed bravery while he fought Grendel when others were too afraid. Much like Rescorla, Beowulf fought when no one else could. In the time that others were falling
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Not only must the hero has bravery, but also enough strength to use their bravery. Once they have mastered both of those elements they have courage. Beowulf shows courage throughout the epic poem, much like Rescorla showed courage when others froze in fear. Both warriors showed courage on and off the battlefield. Beowulf showed courage off the battlefield by reassuring others that he would take the enemy down. In comparison, Rescorla went to war and came back to help people. Both men were honorable examples of courage.
Both of these heroes were one in a million. They both saved citizens when no one else could. Still to today both men are thought of as heroic figures. Although, Beowulf is in an Epic, he is taught all throughout the world. Potraying courage, strength and bravery has defined these two men. Neither figure will be forgotten. Whether it is because of fire breathing dragons, or from the whole world stopping to gauk at a travisty, they both will forever be

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