He also puts his life on the line for everyone. Beowulf also displays the characteristic of humility. When he fought against Grendel he seemed somewhat humiliated. Sometimes being humble is not always a bad thing.…
What are the makings of a hero? Are they the physical qualities or the outstanding achievements? Or is it the mental battles of the hero that count? Three heroes from ancient english literature will be assessed for the noble qualities of a hero. Brave Beowulf was an honorable hero of the Geats.…
Beowulf: A hero? "Be of good hope; be valiant; watch for the foe" said by the King of the Danes in the illustrated version of Beowulf by Gareth hinds depicts the qualities of a hero. The graphic novel follows the protagonist known as Beowulf for the latter part of his life. Numerous fights between Beowulf and monsters and beasts occur within the novel. One cannot dispute of the many heroic acts Beowulf had performed.…
He puts himself into danger and accepts any challenge even if the situation involves some sort of monster. Everything that Beowulf has done falls in line with the steps of the Hero’s Journey. The first step in any hero’s journey is the call to adventure.…
Beowulf’s bravery appears through the description of his earlier battles since the people watch him “rise from the darkness of war,/ Dripping with [his] enemies’ blood” (151-153). Beowulf shows his bravery to the community in prior battles with his power and strength, which allows him to become a leader and pick the next men. Beowulf in a prior battle overcomes the dark depths of war with his bravery and can still defeat the enemy. The previous battle illustrates that the symbol of bravery becomes more emphasized because of the dark depths of the war and that Beowulf did not get distracted with the struggles of the war. Although he was let down by his choices of men, when he was fading away toward death only one man, Wiglaf, was brave enough to assist him.…
Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Beowulf may have been both alive during two totally different time periods, but they both have one thing in common. Floyd Mayweather does boxing for the fame and the wealth that comes along with. He takes on fights against the tough opponents such as Manny Pacquiao to prove to himself and others that he’s the best and still is the best. In Beowulf, Beowulf is the Floyd Mayweather of the story. Beowulf is a warrior who takes on many challenges such as facing Grendel and the dragon who threatened his kingdom.…
Beowulf does not show nobility in many ways, he conveys discipline to his men, but does not hold the same standards to himself, he fights, but is only courageous to benefit himself, and he has no sense of honor, he slaughters innocents for sport instead of putting down animals to survive. Beowulf might be courageous. However he only fights to gain popularity with individuals. He fought Grendel without weapons, "No weapons,…
The epic hero named Beowulf is a warrior, who can do what no man can as he defeats life and death challenges. In his youth, Beowulf was considered a great warrior due to his strength and courage. For example, his fable swimming match with Breca to get to grendel 's mom was showing how strong he was and the Germanic heroic code of Loyalty, courtesy and pride. His battle with Grendel and Grendel’s mother validates his bravery as he faces three tremendous battles that help shape him into the epic hero he is known as today. Beowulf young and courageous battles Grendel with ease, will never have any fearful vain and will never back down from any fight.…
His willingness to sacrifice his life for his people is yet another characteristic of an epic hero. The first major example of Beowulf’s bravery is presented to the reader when he decides to fight Grendel with his bare hands saying, “I have heard, / too, that the monster’s scorn of men/ is so great that he needs no weapons and fears none. / Nor will I” (166-169). In this instance, Beowulf presents his bravery by stating that he refuses to fight Grendel with a weapon, simply because Grendel would not be using one. Beowulf knows that there is a possibility that he could get hurt, or even worse die, but his bravery and willingness to protect others overpowers those thoughts.…
Beowulf proves he has both superior strength and courage over his fellow warriors as well as intelligence and a stronger belief in god in his three major battles. In his battle with Grendel he chooses not to drink and to trick…
In Beowulf, I found myself idolizing over the strong and fearless hero. He was what I would call “the perfect hero”, because not only did he get the job done, but he did it so with honor and modesty. In some cases it reminded me of the movie Hercules, where Hercules tried to show off as much as possible and show that he was better than everyone else to gain fame. While Beowulf used his famous strength to help those in need not to just gain fame, but because he knew he was undoubtedly the only one who could help.…
Beowulf’s bravery can be attributed to the fact that he always stayed loyal to God and kept his word to others in the toughest of situations. Beowulf epitomizes bravery as he never backs down from a fight no matter the challenges…
Beowulf does not even use any weapons when he attacks Grendel, he only used his hand, and his own strength to squeeze his arm until the torture was unbearable. Beowulf goes on several quests throughout the poem. Beowulf also kills Grendel's mother and the dragon. I believe that Beowulf performed these deeds for the good of his followers, and that is a huge part of being an epic hero.…
Beowulf is clearly a man of courage and is motivated to prove his valor to others. He proves this through accomplishing brave triumphs and then boasting them to others. Beowulf never thinks twice about fighting monsters who have done nothing but kill. Beowulf also always has other’s back and wants to protect them, even if it means putting himself in danger. Courage is a trait all epic heroes should have.…
Beowulf is the first masterpiece in British literature. Although written in England. Beowulf describes the adventures of a hero who came from the southern part of Sweden, an area called Geatland in the poem. Nothing in this poem take place in Britain, also it does not contain a reference to any British figure.…