Mrs. Buongiorno
English 3C
November 17, 2014
Beowulf was a hero in an epic poem about an epic hero in the Anglo – Saxon period. The name of the hero in Beowulf was Beowulf, he is a hero because he is good and he conquers the evil. Like when Beowulf has to fight Grendel who is a monster that is coming to ruin Herot Hall where the Geats are sleeping. William Wallace was a hero during the medieval period; he is in the movie Braveheart where he wants to have freedom. Beowulf and William Wallace are both hero’s because of the many battles they have fought in and how they protected their own people. Beowulf and William Wallace have many characteristics, like their bravery, strength and intelligence which make them a hero.
Beowulf and William Wallace both show their bravery when they are fighting in a battle …show more content…
Beowulf shows lots of intelligence when it comes to him fighting these monsters that are much bugger then him with just a sword. Beowulf has to know how to kill them the fastest so he doesn’t end up getting killed. William Wallace is very intelligent when he is fighting in all of his battles and when killing the nobles where he is outnumbered. William Wallace is also very smart when he is pretending to turn himself in but starts to kill nobles. Wallace gets the other Scottish people to fight for him and their freedom because he wants them and tells them that they can do it. The one battle where William Wallace and his men knew they were outnumbered by the nobles, William had a plan. Wallace had the front line have spears that were longer than the nobles so that when they charged on the horses he would lift the spears and they would kill the horses and take the men down. Also before that William Wallace made it look like some of his men were retreating but they were actually coming behind the nobles. The nobles were never expecting it and William Wallace’s plan