In the first battle of the book, we find Beowulf battling the monster Grendel. Beowulf hears that the Danes are being troubled by Grendel, so as a warrior in his prime, he travels from Geatland to help them. Grendel has been attacking the king of Dane’s mead hall because they woke him while celebrating. Every day for years before Beowulf’s arrival Grendel would come and kill Danes during celebrations, but…
In the first battle that takes place, Beowulf battles Grendel. Before the battle Beowulf told the people of Hrothgar's kingdom that they should remain calm and that he came to defeat the horrible monster and if he did not defeat the monster that he would have died trying. Beowulf asks the king for permission to fight alone and with the help of only his own men. He believes that there is nothing that contains enough power to defeat him in this battle, therefore he goes in with no worries. The motive for Beowulf in this battle is revenge against the monster that committed crimes against Beowulf’s kinsman.…
Beowulf is an old English story told by an Anglo-Saxon poet. The poem tells the story of the legendary warrior, Beowulf, who slays monsters and later becomes king. Beowulf’s first epic battle was against an infamous monster named Grendel. Beowulf plagues the Danish lands and kills many of their men. Beowulf hears of the atrocity committed by Grendel and arrives to ultimately defeat the beast.…
Beowulf has many qualities that portray him as an epic hero. He has a strong desire to protect the Dane and Geat Kingdoms. Beowulf has a sense of duty when he chooses to fight Grendel due to the friendship that his father and King Hrothgar share. He has a strong sense of confidence that allows him to go into battle with determination. “Alone now with Grendel.…
Beowulf is a story of a hero with superhuman qualities facing the forces of evil. The story is set in medieval times and the hero Beowulf encounters 3 major battles throughout the story. The battles with Grendel, Grendel's mother, and the dragon all play a specific part in the story and describe the life of the hero. Each battle serves a different purpose and they each have their meanings related to the life of Beowulf and the different stages of a hero.…
Before he even fights Grendel, Beowulf boasts about himself to all the people in the mead hall about his accomplishments. He describes how he killed sea creatures and drove five great giants into chains. After battling with the monster his pride skyrockets. Since he was the first human to kill Grendel he is automatically considered a hero. Beowulf’s kennings describe him as “the mighty protector of men” and “Edgetho’s brave son.”…
Beowulf has major battles throughout this epic poem. In Beowulf's three fights with three monsters he uses different methods, techniques, and weapons to win. In these epic and hard fought fights, Beowulf finds a way to survive. Beowulf's first fight was against Grendel. This shows Beowulf's strength.…
In the Old English epic, Beowulf the epic hero is perceived as the hero because of his human like strength, courage, devotion, and loyalty. Throughout the poem, Beowulf encounters three majors battles with vicious monsters, as Beowulf wins each battle he wins a “trophy”. Beowulf is battling these monsters using his mind, there is a different weapon and a different technique used to fight the three monsters off. The first battle, between Grendel and Beowulf.…
Beowulf displays actions of selflessness through out the poem. His first action was by coming over to Heorot and defeating Grendel. After peace is achieved he walks into certain death to stop the terror of the Dragon that has been destroying his kingdom. Instead of having his men join him in battle he sends them off so that he may fight the Dragon alone and not risk other’s lives. After the Dragon is defeated he asks that all the spoils go to all those in the kingdom so that could prosper.…
Beowulf is the hero in Beowulf, but he is still a monstrous character with superhuman abilities. He shows off his superhuman strength to everyone by fighting battles and preforming task that no normal human could do without help. He also fights for revenge, which usually monsters do. As stated above, revenge is the whole story here that caused all of the fighting and killing.…
In the plot of the original epic poem, Beowulf is put through three major battles. He first fights Grendel, an evil monster from the moorland who terrorizes the Danish mead hall Heorot. Then he fights Grendel’s mother, a creature much like Grendel who hides in the waters of…
In the story, Beowulf is described as “the strongest of the Geats-greater and stronger than anyone in this world” (110-111). Another way Beowulf of the Beowulf takes on the role of an epic hero is by possessing supernatural traits. During the oldtimes, the Anglo-Saxons valued heroes who win the battle and protects the people. In the story, Beowulf faced many evil monsters like demons and dragon. Beowulf is fighting opponents that mere mortals cannot ever dare to battle.…
In Beowulf, Beowulf is the most willing man to take on the mythical creature. He believes with the strength he has of 30 men in each arm, he can slay Grendel easily and does not back down to the…
Beowulf illustrates how he takes on the world with his strength. Beowulf is somebody who will undertake extremely impossible and dangerous tasks for any human to accomplish. One of the many tasks Beowulf takes is battling Grendel. "I have heard moreover that the monster scorns in his…
Beowulf battles with each of the monsters represent the battle between good and evil, but of course the good always win. Beowulf shows courage, bravery, and loyalty in each battle. This gives him the strength to defeat each monster and keep the kingdom safe. The battle before Beowulf came was strictly between Hrothgar and Grendel…