Beowulf showcases his bravery when he puts his life on the line fighting Grendel’s mother. Not only is she unbelievably strong, but this fight is also in the marsh where Grendel’s mother has help from other beasts to attempt to kill Beowulf. Through all the odds stacked against him, Beowulf still fights off the mother. In “Man of Steel”, Superman fights against the army of Krypton, knowing very well that he could potentially giving up his life. Although he has super-strength, so does the whole army of Krypton. Superman still puts all the chances of death to the side, and he battles against the
Beowulf showcases his bravery when he puts his life on the line fighting Grendel’s mother. Not only is she unbelievably strong, but this fight is also in the marsh where Grendel’s mother has help from other beasts to attempt to kill Beowulf. Through all the odds stacked against him, Beowulf still fights off the mother. In “Man of Steel”, Superman fights against the army of Krypton, knowing very well that he could potentially giving up his life. Although he has super-strength, so does the whole army of Krypton. Superman still puts all the chances of death to the side, and he battles against the