Specializing in Southern Politics, Elections and Louisiana Politics Dr. Wayne Parent’s analysis of the Louisiana carnival of politics is truly one to be taught for years to come. Parent effortlessly tells the sordid story of Louisiana and their often times corrupt political system. In a state where there has been more constitutions than any other in the union as well as having Napoleonic based law, Louisiana is clearly different. To dive into this minefield of diversity is a tough task and Inside the Carnival: Unmasking Louisiana Politics Parent truly examines and explores all areas, leaving the reader with a thirst for more knowledge. Dr. Wayne Parent a prominent political scientist as well as associate dean of the College of Arts and Science at Louisiana State University, he is a frequent commentator on national and Louisiana political media.…
Should they evacuate the city, go to a local shelter, or shelter in place? We can create a shelter out of the school and house people in it. If the situation becomes severe, than we will stop anyone from leaving or coming inside. The parents will have to choose wherwe to take their children if they choose to take them out of the school. 4.…
1. Isolated Kentucky grew so rapidly from its first days of settlement that its transportation needs were magnified. When the early explorers reached Kentucky, they found a few Indian trails, notable the Warrior Path that crossed the region from the Cumberland Gap to the Ohio River, and any number of game trails. Daniel Boone opened the famous packhorse trail to Bonne borough, and other trails were soon developed that led to new stations and forts. Kentucky’s General Assembly in 1797 gave the county courts authority to oversee road construction and repair.…
Greenwood, Mississippi, known as the cotton capital of the world, emerged in 1844. It was incorporated by Chief Greenwood Leflore, a Choctaw Indian Leader. Before the creation of this city, United States negotiator, John Coffee along with Chief Greenwood, signed a treaty in order to receive land. This treaty was known as the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek. It ceded some of the Choctaw nation land in exchange for fifteen million acres of the Indian territory.…
Advancements are being made in Maryville’s plan for the upcoming asphalt and mill overlay project. The asphalt and mill overlay project, which was proposed on February 13 during the city hall meeting which will allow the construction of many roads in the city. The project is being headed by C.E. Goodall and Maryville’s department of Public Works as well as City Manager Greg McDanel.…
Breaux Bridge, Louisiana is a rather small town lying in the Heart of Cajun Country. Home to less than 9,000 people, we are the definition of little interstate town. Sugar cane fields and crawfish ponds surrounded my high school, literally. Most of my high school friends generally stayed within the area upon graduation. Even though I decided to move for college, growing up in this environment made me the thriving young man that I am today.…
In 1978, Northern Colorado community leaders founded Larimer County Partners, Inc. in response to the significant amount of youth recidivism in the Juvenile Justice system. Looking for ways to help the youth, community leaders adopted a youth mentoring program that had been effective in Denver. Larimer County Partnes has since changed its name to Partners Mentoring Youth, and is now an affiliate to the statewide Partners Mentoring Association. Partners established itself as an intervention program for youth involved in the court system, but since has evolved into a prevention program. The prevention program focuses on identifying children who are less likely to transition successfully into adulthood, and matching them with a positive…
Conway, South Carolina Real Estate The City of Conway, South Carolina Conway is the 25th largest city in South Carolina. The city has several historic structures and buildings. It is one of the oldest cities in South Carolina. In 2013, the population was 19,300.…
4:45 a.m.: Caitlyn Muncher springs out of bed, grabs a protein bar and her gym bag, brushes her teeth, and heads to meet her team for their first practice of the day. 5:30 a.m.: The University of West Alabama's triathlon team loads a university van and disembarks on their way to Meridian for swim practice in Meridian Community College’s heated in-door swimming pool. 8:13 a.m.: The team arrives back on campus and Muncher quickly showers in her dorm room at Gilbert Hall, then races to Young Hall Cafeteria to scarf down some breakfast before her first class of the day at 10:10 a.m.…
Baker argued that race discrimination plays an important part when it came sexual harassment. In Baker's article, she explains that African American women were the ones who faced sexual harassment in the work field because men believed that African American women did not belong in the work field. Baker also explains that many of the sexual harassment court cases that were brought forward were all made by African American…
• Recruitment o The total membership of the colony is at 15 members. Recruitment should be the number one priority for the men of Louisville Crescent Colony.…
The process in which Lawmakers meet to tackle issues regarding the state of Louisiana are done in the state capitol, Baton Rouge. As mentioned in the Louisiana.gov website, “The legislature is responsible for determining policy through the enactment of Laws, subject to federal and state constitutional restrictions” (Legislative branch). These laws can be statewide or confined to an area depending on the issue being dealt with. Policies such as Louisiana road projects may lead to Lawmakers boosting state gasoline tax by $.05 per gallon. There’s also issues such as the qualifications for marriage license by the state.…
o Provide a brief introduction about the city and why you chose it. I wanted a city with a high population, in order to have more possibility in its info-structure. That the same time I did not want a well-known city that is constantly being talked about or well known. I found the city Deerfield in Illinois, though Deerfield hasn’t have a massive population it is next to Chicago and connected to it’s with 2 railways.…
The case study provided some valuable information about a horrific incident that occurred at the Indiana State Fair on August 13, 2011, during an outside concert. On this day, a group of approximately 12,000 people enthusiastically gathered to watch Sugarland, a country music band, perform on the stage at the Louisiana State Fair. The International State Fair Officials and its management team scheduled the event with hopes to provide fun and entertainment, but the expected fun-filled evening turned out to be an unexpected crisis that caused chaos to quickly change the mood of the event. Regrettably, The International State Fair Officials and their management team had not used crisis management to develop a crisis plan, in an attempt to prepare…
Schools need to teach their students how to handle emergencies (Williams). Everyone should know what to do when their car battery dies, or what to do when they have a flat tire. Teachers may expect their students to already know what to do, yet only a select few may know what to do. It needs to be taught nevertheless. Something else that many people struggle with is having good people skills, while it is true that some parents will hold their children back one year in their kindergarten years to strengthen their people skills, it does not always help.…