Arguments Against Planned Parenthood

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The Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) is a non-profit organization that provides reproductive, maternal, and child health services. With a budget of one million dollars and 820 clinics in the United States, PPFA provides services to over three million people in the US. PPFA is the largest provider of reproductive health services in the United States, with clinical interactions focused on breast and cervical cancer screening, HIV screening, contraception, and abortion. PPFA performs roughly 300,000 abortions annually. This organization is frowned upon by citizens who are pro-life and feel that the government should not be responsible for handing out birth control. This controversy grew when multiple videos of PPFA workers supposedly …show more content…
However, Planned Parenthood has overextended its hand to millions of desperate women. Knowing that they can easily get free birth control and abortions, women have lost the sense of gravity and morality that life should be treated with. To lessen the number of abortions carried out annually—a daunting 50 million—women must face reality, they are condoning the killing of their baby, not an "it." People can't “abort children,”—they can either keep them alive or kill them. A person should not be disposable. It may seem inhumane to say, "Miss, you’re scheduled to kill your baby at 10 AM on Thursday," but that is in fact what abortion is. This has to be acknowledged. Perhaps, people wouldn’t have to get abortions if abortions themselves were weighed in a more humane light. In a perfect world, abortion would be illegal: it is the murder of an innocent human being. But given the infallibly of man (often seen in rape cases and drunken choices), it is vital that, under certain circumstances, women be allowed to terminate their child—but not via the government’s money! Abortion should be an absolute last resort, not a casual

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