Social Media's Influence On Abortion

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Abortion is commonly featured in the media, however they package abortion in such a way that they specifically avoid taking a direct stance on whether abortion is wrong or justified, meaning they shy away from being Pro-life or Pro-choice. However, indirectly condensing symbols are often used. For example, using terms such as anti-life rather than Pro-choice or anti-choice rather than Pro-life to describe different stances on abortion have a negative connotation and subliminally reveals the media host’s opinion on the matter. Another example includes when speaking about abortion using the term baby or infant versus using the term fetus. The word fetus is often used to dehumanize the child growing inside the mother, causing the viewer …show more content…
Conversations about abortion are prevalent on social media as well. For example on twitter and facebook, there are many hashtags that support the pro-life movement like “#prolife” and “#praytoendabortion”(Harris). These hashtags provide quick and mainly biased information to persuade viewers to join the pro-life movement on it’s war against abortion. Also, often overlooked by the general public, a lot of false information concerning abortion can be exploited through social media because it is not an official news outlet and does not require people to tell the absolute truth. However, people have the stigma that if a lot of people are supporting/retweeting a tweet or facebook post then it must be true. Social media can often be held responsible for easily swaying public opinion because of the large fanbase or followers that are obtained through these sites. Lila Rose, who is linked the pro-life activist group Live Action became a figurehead for the pro-life movement. Her opinions and views on the matter reach a wide range of people as a result of her large following on social media like twitter for example. Influences from media and public reaction result in policy making leading to social problem work and …show more content…
The organization Planned Parenthood is highly associated with abortion because they are a chain of private clinics scattered throughout the United States who are well known for providing abortion services. Planned Parenthood is under constant pressure from claims maker activist and expert observers that follow the Pro-Life movement and the media. The Pro-Life movement is the abortion policy’s biggest critic. The Pro-Life movement accuses the abortion laws of being excessive for a variety of reasons. They argue that abortion protects the life and choices of mothers but offers zero protection for the children. The abortion law does not provide a specific time frame that abortion can occur. It has been found that after roughly “20 weeks of gestation” the fetus is fully formed and capable of feeling pain (Zagorski). Therefore the question of whether it is morally correct to inflict pain on a fully formed human comes into play It is possible for women to abuse the abortion law by continually choosing to become impregnated and receive multiple abortions rather than using other forms of birth control that are available to them at little or no cost. According to the Pro-Life movement the abortion law allows an excessive amount of freedom to

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