School times can sometimes be absurdly early, but because of later start times some problems stir up. Later school start times can increase grades and the well being of the kids, but the downfall of that is that schools have to pay extra for more buses because usually a district only has a few busses, which then makes the school start times staggered. Although the wellbeing of kids is far more important. The idea of staggering school time is smart but if its hurting the health of people I would pay the extra money to keep kids safe. The first reason that school should start later is because it will allow kids to be more well rested and makes it easier to focus.…
Over the past ten years there have been several issues pertaining to why school should start later in the day. Many parents, teachers, and board leaders have tried pushing the issues so that the start time will change, but not a whole lot has happened. There are schools in all fifty states that want to jump on board and start school later, so why not just do it? It’s way easier said than done. The top reason why people don’t want to start school later in the day is because they are already used to the seven or eight AM start time…
The average start time for schools across the nation is 8:00. In many of the studies referenced there is a common theme that school starts too early which has a negative effect of the students health and their ability to learn in school. Consequently, a later start time in school, especially high schools, would be extremely beneficial to not only the students but schools as well.…
Have you ever been late to school because you slept in. Well I have done that because I did not go to bed at the right time. Mostly everyone has a time to be in bed, because of school in the morning and some kids don’t follow that rule which the students should. The students should follow that rule because they have school in the morning and they have to be there early. I believe that the time of school should stay the same because it would cost more money, you wouldn't have problems if you went to bed earlier, and it would disrupt after-school activities if we went later.…
Why should schools start later? Well, there are many benefits to later starts. Some benefits include better grades, better health, and reduce of teenage car crashes. Also, many middle and high schools in the states have already begun to start no early than 8:30. This is important because students need sleep.…
Why School Should Start Later Many teens have died from accidents resulting in school starting early in the morning. A leading cause of death is car accidents, car accidents can be caused by a number things including sleep deprivation.…
A national sleep foundation poll found that 59% of 6th through 8th graders, as well as 87% of high schoolers, are getting less than the recommended amount of sleep on school nights. This often affects how attentive kids are when they get to school and can have a negative impact on the rest of their day. When students are tired they often don't take in the information they would otherwise pick up with an adequate amount of sleep. Starting classes at middle school and high schools no earlier than 8:30 a.m. would help teens arrive alert, healthy and ready to learn, U.S. sleep medicine specialists say (Lehman, 2017). Schools should start later to ensure the success of its students.…
Mathis Moore Too early There are plenty of risks caused by not getting enough sleep for your age, such as being more likely to be overweight, depressive symptoms, and perform poorly in school and activities. That being said, the CDC reports that less than 1 in 5 school in the United States start before 8:30, which is what they recommend schools start at. While teachers would benefit from the extra sleep themselves, they also would see students be more attentive in the morning because they would not be as tired. Ergo, Schools should start later than 8:30 because students and teachers would benefit in health from getting extra sleep, and would benefit from being more attentive and awake in the morning.…
In an article called “Backgrounder: Later School Start Times”, the author states that kids need a lot of sleep for performance, health, and brain development. Research shows that kids need 8 or 9 hours of sleep each night. Anne Wheaton says “getting enough sleep is important for students’ health, safety, and academic performance.” Timing at School.…
The debate on later school start times has become a very popular issue in the U.S. Studies show students should start school at 11am, this is when the human brain starts to wake up and begin to fully function. “I do believe schools should have a later start to improve academic performance for student athletes like myself, I am in all ap classes and I’m on the schools poms team which means I practically run off of coffee”. Student Gretchen Volling said.…
Many schools in America start school earlier than 8:30 a.m, resulting in tired students, most generally teens. Here at The Preston High School the start time is 7:53 a.m. According to the National Sleep Foundation’s 2002 Sleep in America poll, 80% said high schools should start no earlier than 8:00 a.m. each day. Many students complain throughout the school day of being tired because there are getting less than the recommended 8.5-9.5 hours of sleep due to homework and extra-curricular activities. Later start times could improve mood, performance, attendance, and alertness in students.…
There are a lot of good effects if school started later. Many teenagers would agree that getting up early in the morning is stressful. School should start later because students would be more focused and less stressed and get better grades and have less of a chance of getting depression with more sleep. We will be arguing that school will start later in the morning. One reason schools should start later is that students can get extra sleep.…
It is just too hard to concentrate after not getting enough sleep and getting up too early in the morning for kids and teenagers. School should start later because kids need more sleep to keep their attention span up so they will be able to learn and do better academically. There is too many activities after school and too much homework in order to be able to go to sleep early every night and get good sleep. To go to bed late and get up early in the morning can also make kids and teenagers more prone to getting sick. Everyone should agree to start school later.…
According to CDC's report, 75% of public schools start earlier than 8:30 in the morning in more than 40 states. Schools pay a big part in a student's schedules, by starting later students will be more awake and alert, better health, and get into fewer accidents. Professor Carskadon of psychiatry and human behavior said “Everyone learns better when they’re awake”. On average a teen needs about 8-9 hours of sleep each night, however, most students get around 7 hours each night.…
Studies show that students are more alert after nine o'clock. With school starting at 7:44, the first two periods seem like a waste. Students aren't learning to their full potential, and as a result aren't getting the grades they are capable of. Over twenty percent of all high school students fall asleep in school at one time or another. It's hard to learn while you're sleeping.…