"School counselors and nurses reported fewer students seeking help for emotional problems and physical complaints," says NEA-Today. Depression and stress declined. Also, fewer people needed caffeine to stay awake in class. Not only that, but the late starts can even improve alertness, memory, attention, and cognitive processing skills (Start School Later). So, students feel much better when late starts are in place, emotionally and physically. Although there are many benefits, late starts are not really effective. For instance, many teens would take advantage of the new times and stay up longer. Lack of sleep would still be a problem occurring with late starts or not. In addition, students who are involved in extracurricular activities would stay at school later. "This would make it difficult for students to participate and still have enough time to study, complete homework assignments, participate in social activities and still get to bed at a reasonable hour," (Sleeping Resources). In conclusion, every school should be able to have later start times. It helps by improving grades, wellness and decreasing teenage car incidents. If we are able to provide this to happen then students will get the most out of school and be more successful in the
"School counselors and nurses reported fewer students seeking help for emotional problems and physical complaints," says NEA-Today. Depression and stress declined. Also, fewer people needed caffeine to stay awake in class. Not only that, but the late starts can even improve alertness, memory, attention, and cognitive processing skills (Start School Later). So, students feel much better when late starts are in place, emotionally and physically. Although there are many benefits, late starts are not really effective. For instance, many teens would take advantage of the new times and stay up longer. Lack of sleep would still be a problem occurring with late starts or not. In addition, students who are involved in extracurricular activities would stay at school later. "This would make it difficult for students to participate and still have enough time to study, complete homework assignments, participate in social activities and still get to bed at a reasonable hour," (Sleeping Resources). In conclusion, every school should be able to have later start times. It helps by improving grades, wellness and decreasing teenage car incidents. If we are able to provide this to happen then students will get the most out of school and be more successful in the