The younger generation is glued to the phones. Professors are starting to worry about their students. Students would complain once electronic devices are not allowed in the classroom environment. For instance, “what if I need my calculator for help” or “I need my phone out in case of emergency” are some of the general arguments you hear (D 'Agostino). All Professor D 'Agostino wanted was to be able to show her students that “we can be unplugged from the social media for an hour and fifteen minutes” (D 'Agostino). She wanted to prove a point in saying students shouldn’t throw away their class time doing unnecessary things, but it should be devoted to …show more content…
Phones disconnected the student from using their intelligent minds and take away the motivation the students generally have (Caverly). It is important because students are not as involved as before in the classroom. Students spend more time on their phones instead of having face to face conversation in the classroom which decreases the connections between peers. Texting is more popular for the younger people, even though adults are transitioning to the new form of writing. “Texting actually is evidence of a balancing act that young people are using today” between the two forms of writing skills (McWhorter). Yes, texting is a new way of communication for the younger children, but when walking into a room with a group of friends and seeing each of them on their device instead of talking can be frightening. During family gatherings, ninety percent of the people have a phone in their hands. Occasions like a celebration or spending time with friends used to mean to engage in conversation and to take time out of your day to relax with the ones you love. Think about it, when you look back on times you’ve spent with your family members, do you really want to remember how many people you were texting that