Apple succeeds in this by using a popular artist, Pharrell Williams; his song, “Freedom”, embodies the upbeat, soulful tone of the commercial. It does not linger on one section too long but keeps the viewer’s attention by frequently changing to new, colorful scenes that coincide with the music. Many of the scenes contain people participating in something active and productive while listening to Apple Music: a woman jogging, a boy performing sit-ups, men and women dancing on a subway, children jumping rope, and two women boxing. The theme of freedom is shown throughout as people are inspired, motivated, and lifted from gloom. This causes an emotional reaction in the audience, for they are presented with situations that relate to moments in their …show more content…
Emotions impact many of the decisions we make everyday; therefore, companies often incorporate it into the advertisement of their product. Apple accomplished this through touching scenes found in their 2015 commercial. Jim Valvano said, “If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that’s a full day.” Music often produces these actions, and Apple presents all three to its audience as they watch. A boy laughing as he shares headphones with an older man reveals the joy it can provide in people’s lives, and one lone boy on a school bus uses headphones to block out the commotion around him as he thinks and focuses on the day ahead. The appearance of a girl wiping away tears as she listens to the song takes us back to a time in our lives where music touched our deepest souls. These are feelings people found all around the earth wish to experience everyday, and Apple succeeds in revealing their product as a portal to these