This AP class focuses on writing styles and techniques to further an understanding of the fundamentals of writing. By understanding the techniques, I can transform that knowledge for the benefit of the career I may intend to pursue. I am interested in the environment as well as macro and marine biology. In both of these fields, an understanding of writing grant applications, published articles, research write ups, and journals is essential. Each of these forms requires a different style of writing; with the help of AP English and Composition, I will be better equipped to successfully write in many styles with a sense of ease. In AP English one of the goals is to be able to tie real world problems and current events into our writing. In my career, I will need to provide evidence that is clear and consise to help convince supporters, contributors and bystanders that funding and supporting the research is important. One of the goals I have established for myself is to achieve the highest possible GPA. As a strong high school student, I feel I should take advantage of the opportunities I have been presented and develop a successful education from hard work and constant determination. Reaching for a respectable GPA challenges me to produce high quality work and constantly strive to push myself further. Being a part of a traditional Language and Composition class would not challenge me to grow as much as I want to in both critical reading and written communication. Reading novels is one of my most valued past times. I have always been fascinated by authors’ ability to create elaborate mental images in the reader's mind. Creating an exquisite literary piece takes time and requires the author to be fully committed as the tedious writing process unfolds. John Fowls is the author of my favorite book the Collector. He used an exquisite writing style and enabled sympathy for both the protagonist and antagonist simultaneously. I would be honored to be a part of AP Language and Composition to further my knowledge of the work involved in creating magnificent literary pieces. AP Language and Composition would be tremendously beneficial in my high school career, but it would also be valuable in my future career in college. Having AP English on my transcript would help prestigious colleges such as Stanford consider me as a viable student to attend their college. This AP class will benefit me beyond high school for college applications and college class work, which all demand the ability to properly execute a sophisticated written piece. This preparation for extended education includes different aspects of writing, such as being able to properly cite a source, outline an educated essay, write analysis on specific evidence, or write an opinionated literary piece without being exclusive. All these skills are …show more content…
By understanding the techniques, I can transform that knowledge for the benefit of the career I may intend to pursue. I am interested in the environment as well as macro and marine biology. In both of these fields, an understanding of writing grant applications, published articles, research write ups, and journals is essential. Each of these forms requires a different style of writing; with the help of AP English and Composition, I will be better equipped to successfully write in many styles with a sense of ease. In AP English one of the goals is to be able to tie real world problems and current events into our writing. In my career, I will need to provide evidence that is clear and consise to help convince supporters, contributors and bystanders that funding and supporting the research is